Learning to crochet and knit, so possible nonsense to follow ^_^ Do a lot of baking, but can't decorate my cookies and cakes at all, so you won't be seeing any pics of that! Love to paint, read, hooked on Costa (decaff caramel latte, thanks) Been making a lot of stencils lately, so maybe i'll post my decorated boudoir once its done 

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- commented on her comment Heh, i pinned this too ^_^ to Melted Crayon Art 22 Aug 19:16
- commented on her comment Oh my goodness... have i told you how wonderful you are lately?! You've made me blush! Must come and model for you before you up sticks xXx to "Sarah", A Profile In Relief 11 Aug 23:48
- followed Kristen K. 10 Aug 00:47
- commented on her comment Thanks for not faving any of my stuff, you nasty moo :-p to sleepy_bunni 10 Aug 00:47
- commented on her comment I learnt to knit many years ago, but my sister or mum always cast on for me. Now i've decided to take it up again, and i've tried pictures, videos, a special DVD and all sorts to learn how to cast on, all with no luck. And now you, madam, have taught m... to Knitting Tutorial 08 Aug 18:12
- commented on her comment I wish i had your patience, your talents, and your friends waist size ^_^ to Amy In Wonderpants 04 Aug 17:14
- commented on her comment Oh my, i need to get me a Lily! Where do i find one of those? :) to Super Lily 28 Jul 22:12
- commented on her comment Oh Kon, how i love thee!! Adorable and useless in equal measures! to Super Kon! 25 Jul 16:50
- commented on her comment My god, to have your patience!! I used to do something similar on my lower arm, but THIS... madness, magical and purely amazing to Ms. Happysnakeskin 25 Jul 06:24
- commented on her comment Sorry to sound really dim, but what program did you use for this? to Image Into Drawing 26 Jun 22:24
- commented on her comment Agreed, i really hate how easy you make this look! My attempts with tissue and glue and lippy was a gooey nightmare ^_^ Fun though... will definately be trying again, but don't expect a version, i'll be too ashamed of the crappy results !! to Zombie Makeup! 16 Feb 05:47
- commented on her comment If i get everyone i know to join the site and like this project, can i have your dog?! WTG for the inexpensive wall art, i just moved to a new place a week ago and its crying out for something like this!! Luckily, theres a fabric and craft market not f... to Wall Art 05 Feb 06:01
Now I'm all curious as to what your sister's present will be!
I just remembered that you asked me to let you know how prom went with the boutonniere I made for my date. He loved it, as did all our friends and teachers. I'm so glad I went through all that effort now.
Hope all your projects are going well! =]
heres the tutorial i followed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCNbfcVdthI
im going to make a how to on wool dreads soon though.
Don't get discouraged-- the rose I posted is what I reached after about three weeks of work (researching, pulling apart real flowers, testing different materials and designs, etc), and it's the third rose of the kind that I made.
Keep at it, and I'm sure you'll show me something beautiful!
I'm glad I inspired someone, and I can't wait to see what you make!