Weird things about yourself...

I'm really optimistic. I tend to find joy in EVERYTHING. And I usually laugh at the stupid stuff, like someone dieing because they thought that the gun was a phone... hey, the dummy should have known better, lol. FAKE!

Then there was that one time when I was cracking up when a girl was crying because her boyfriend was getting eaten by a snake, but of coarse that was all fake and it was just a movie.

Some time back in school, this girl lost her bracelet. Now I actually feel bad for her but I just wanted to burst out laughing... but the teacher was in front of us. Then this bee somehow got into the school and was scaring everyone. My friend just screamed right when it buzzed in front of her face, and she kept backing up like it was going to kill her and she had nowhere else to go. But obviously I was the one laughing the whole time. And the coaches didn't even do anything...

And for some reason when I was younger, I would always laugh at this old lady who was about to die in a fire. My sister got really mad at me and would would always have to tell me to shut up. But again, it was just a movie.

So do you have anything weird about yourself that you would like to share? Happy

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55 replies since 22nd August 2010 • Last reply 22nd August 2010

my friends reckon i'm stupidly optimistic. and i laugh too much, but from what you've said, i don't think i laugh as much you. (lol at the bee, but it would probably be me screaming...)

and i say "well it could be worse" whenever someone has bad news. and when they ask how, i say how the situation could be worse by bringing up something completely unrelated to said situation. for example, "omg. my phone died, i failed my science test AND i'm grounded". me: "well it could be worse. you could have broken a leg".

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great way to look at it, I am too doom and gloom

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strange because everyone thinks I am sweet and happy all the time

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I think I'm the same as Michelle, I moan about stuff all the time and very down about a lot of stuff and lack in self-esteem etc.

Plus Secret Squirrel will tell you (only for jokes) I have a thing about spoons (not really just a run-in joke!!).

Other than that I don't really know... lol

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I totally feel your pain on the low self-esteem thing it's pretty much a disease that everyone has to some extent.

and for me something weird...

Uh...I can't sleep if I don't have socks on

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These aren't weird things...let me tell you something really nuts.

I can't poop with the lights on...but I can't be in the dark with a mirror if it's within glancing distance. SOooo I have to turn the mirror around and the lights off before I can go to the bathroom.

Now THATS weird. lol

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lol, thats just BIZARRE!!

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I guess I'm weired too for laughing and being happy most of the time. I creep people out with my joy and that's just makes me laugh even more. LOL Happy I can't help it if I'm like Charlie from the new choclate factory.

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My boss says that I often look like I'm on drugs when thinking something through. I have a tendency to let my index finger tick back and forth when searching for a word or an answer to a question. As a Southener in the North this counts for a lot.

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If I get nervous, or embarrassed, or if someone touches my nose, I have to rub my nose with the side of my hand like some kind of rodent. And I bite people I like (only a little nibble)

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I do that with my nose too! I hate for people to touch it. I'll have to go blow my nose to get rid of the itchy feeling.

And cloudgirl...that's not weird, that's admirable. We should all be as happy and joyful. Maybe people wouldn't be as constipated if they were. ;)

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I do that with my nose too! I hate for people to touch it. I'll have to go blow my nose to get rid of the itchy feeling.

And cloudgirl...that's not weird, that's admirable. We should all be as happy and joyful. Maybe people wouldn't be as constipated if they were. ;)

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Dessah, wow that is weird (about the loo!!)

I guess something that's probably kinda weird to others (not me though) is that I still suck my thumb and I'm 21...

To my family typically what they find weird(ish) about me is how I never really pay attention and I seem to be in my own little bubble and stuff.

I'm not that quirky really. The most kooky I can be is when I'm with my bezzie mate and we just talk about random stuff like, what if they made pepporoni flavoured toothpaste (amoungst other things).

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lol, pepperoni flavored toothpaste?! Seems, a little wierd... and gross at the same time. It would probably have that minty feeling to it. EE-eee-WW-wwww-EEEE-yy-YYYY.....

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