first kiss?
I'm glad we all made you feel better, just know that we are all different so we will experience life at different paces... so what that you haven't kissed yet? Practically everyone has said to wait for the right moment with the right person and that seems to be what you are doing - bravo!!
you now we love and respect you Shortnsweet! Anyway wait for the right one. he or she is out there
cheers guys *sitting at home waiting for handsome prince* <haha, not really!!
*sitting right next to shortandsweet also waiting for a handsome prince (not the same one)*
I'll join you *sits next to gingerbread girl waiting for the mad hatter*
lol, but guys the hatter from Alice is so hot, watch it. Roots for Court
haha thank you michelle :]
Woah I really don't want to rush my first kiss, especially since I'm 13, the guy I'm going to kiss has to be at least like my age, and it would probably be his first kiss too, sooo it would pretty much suck XD, that's why I'm going to wait. There is a guy in mind right now, but I don't think he has any idea about kissing
i was 15. dont worry about it; i did, and it was pointless. :-P it was dumb, too; it was nothing more than a peck from my "bf" before i went into math class. xD
i agree, though, that kissing someone you havent seen in forever is the best. i always loved kissing my bf in the airport when we were long-distance, and its still the same now, every day when he comes home from work.
that's so sweet, thanks for your stories guys...
does a peck on the cheeck count as a proper kiss? because when i was 13 a guy in my year got dared to kiss me on the cheek for an oreo... it wasnt anything special at all- i felt absolutely nothing- and i still think of myself as never been kissed, but what do you think?
no, the peck on the cheek doesn't count (esp not for an OREO!) I think 15 maybe 16 when i had my first kiss... and it was so memorable...wait no it wasn't...I can't remember my first kiss so it must have sucked!@ I agree with everyone, the best ones are when you haven't seen someone for BF will come and pick me up and sometimes instead of getting in the car, i go around to the drivers side whip open the door, grab him by the collar and lay a big ol' kiss on him!!! then i push him back in the seat, slam the door and go around and get in! He's usually in shook and it takes him a minute to recover!!!!
Don't worry about it I was lucky, it was lovely and definately worth the wait
I was 15 1/2, first boyfriend. We'd been going out for a couple of days and I wanted to kiss him but wasn't sure about it. We'd spent the evening together round his. We had about 15 mins before his parents were gonna drop me home. We were sitting in his room on the floor n ext to eachother. I kinda looked at him and was arguing with myself wether to give him a peck on the cheek or not, he looked at me and asked me what I was thinking. I went red and was like 'nothing, nothing at all'. he wouldn't let it drop saying 'go on, there is.' and 'you know you can tell me'. I aske dhim if he was sure, he said 'yeah of course'. So I pecked him on the cheek and then - completely red- ducked down and rested my head on his shoulder, he just said 'O' and went quiet for a seocnd or two. I just said 'Ok, now I feel embaressed'. Then he moved away and looked at me...and kiss me No fireworks but I went dizzy for a second, and then couldn't stop smiling....
It will be worth it, dont worry about it. Things take their own time and come rather unexpectedly. I wasn't expecting a boyfriend at all, then he came into my life randomly and made me realsie the wait was worthwhile.
And dont worry about the kiss either - its like breathing, somehow you just know how to! haha =D xx
i didnt think a peck on the cheek counted either, melissa, but now i definitely know it doesn't! its great to hear more people's stories... hope that i have as good experiences as you do when it happens xx
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