New Kitten!
Yeah my parents didn't want to get one online or from a private place cause someone they know bought a dog for £500 and then he died within two days!
Evie's getting microchipped now and someone will comed visit us this week =) today we bought the litter tray and water bowl! And we're gonna start setting up the box and blanket soon. We're going back to visit her tomorrow because my brother hasn't seen her yet
can't wait to see pictures
Well we've had our home check and everything is good =) we'll be picking her up on Wednesday, yay!
Looks like she won't be called Evie though. My brother suddenly decided he didn't like it, so now it may be Juliet or Lola
yahhhhhh! Kitty
She's beautiful =)
We settled on Saskia on the end, which is a name I've always liked so I'm happy. She spent most of the evening hiding under the sofa, but now she's had some food and she's exploring the rooms a little. She hasn't been to the toilet yet though, which is worrying us - don't want to come down in the morning to a little present!
I'm slightly worried though. Since she's come in I've noticed my eyes stinging and watering a little. I really hope I'm not allergic! Although if I am it's only a really little bit.
you can get allergy meds for that, I am allergic to cats and I had one for ages
Okay well we'll see if it continues =)
It was hard getting her for bed! We wanted to show her where the litter tray was but she wouldn't let us anywhere near her and kept being all twitchy and stuff. She's probably still getting used to the house and things. We finally got her and put her in the litter tray, held her there for a minute and then she ran, but hopefully she knows where it is now!
With the allergy thing - if it continues or gets worse then just try to keep her like downstairs only and you'll have to hoover a bit more too but it sounds like it's only a bit like maybe you're just a bit sensitive and will get used to it. I dunno how it works though but you'd know if you were allergic, I start wheezing and can't breathe when I get set off by a cat. Just try not to think about it!
you just need to get used to her, my guess is that she is a bit overwelmed. All these new sents. Plus some kitties are naturally shy
I love new kittens! <3 I hope she gets used to everything. Half of our cats were fine with coming here, and the others... well... we have a lot of outside cats XD.
Our last kitten was pretty much wild at first, but I managed to catch it (At my parents insistence) and get it in my room. Scared as nothing else. I held her, put her on her back in the bed, and just kinda held her there without looking at her. Her poor little heart was racing, her mom had just ran off and left her (she'd been outside alone for days) and then some giant was just holding her down (I felt soo bad for her)...And then she finally relaxed and fell asleep. When she woke up, I ignored her, I was reading or something, she sniffed around for a bit, I just sat there, she was kinda iffy about me. Then after awhile I went to pet her, she spazzed, we repeated the process, but I didn't have to hold her down, I just scratched her ears and neck until she was relaxed... We did this for about six-seven hours: ignore, pet, spazz, relax.... and she's not had any problems with people since. I find it best to ignore them at first since they don't really like attention. But my family likes to gather around and try and coax it and play with it and dangle crap in front of it and act all aggressive (they think it's playful)... And that just doesn't work with a wild kitten. Really cute though, gray tabby with a mane and fur... tons and tons of fur. She's kinda fat now too.
Our other cat Spot just came up to my mom and said "Take me home, lady." And he just came home pretty as you please. No problems with him at all. Best cat we've ever had. Odd.
Ah it's annoying, she's found that she can get up inside the back of the couch, like fully so she disappears, and it always really worries me. She's hardly eaten anything today and we left her so I thought she'd do some exploring, but I think she's just stayed under the couch. I know she's bound to be scared but still, it's really worrying me =(
cats love the inside of chairs and couch's. My cat used to hide in there all day, and eat at night. Also my cat hated to eat infront of people and would not use the litter box if anyone was looking at it
My mum is trying to assure me that it's normal because she's nervous but I'm still worrying! I'm like a new mummy haha
well here are the crazy things my cat loved to do. Hide inside the boxspring matteress, get under the bedsheets, squeeze himself into wardrobes, under furniture, sleep in the laundry basket, pick out the diet cat food and eat the regular cat food.
We had a dog who loved spicy food and liked to climb curtains
Haha I've never heard of a dog who climbed curtains!
Saskia keeps hiding behind the PS2 which is annoying, it's probably cause it's nice and warm. She also hides on the floor next to her box but under her blanket
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