would you wear these?

i was just google-ing for fun and saw some interesting shoes.



ah these look awful to me! lol

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22 replies since 18th September 2008 • Last reply 18th September 2008

I'd wear the 1st ones XD

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Ouch! They look amazing but I just couldn't do that to myself

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wow, ummm no way, my poor knee would kill me

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i would wear them one time with an amazing offet in the privacy of my comfy bedroom then retire them lol
sug you better not be wearing those your gonna kill your self

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the only boot i am styling right now is this ugly creature!!! help get it off!!!

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ooh, I might have to get something like that for me knee

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i had one of these when i had surgery on my left knee...i perfer that one over the boot at the moment lol

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me too! I see my doc tomorrow, cross fingers for me. I really want to go back to work. I want to get a job and work again...I hate relying on my bf soo much.

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the ballet heels reeeeally scare me...actually scare me!!! I suggest fabric with velcro to put over the top and beads and embroidery sug Happy

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wow creature huh good word sug lol
embroidery sequence um maybe pink spray paint Happy can you take them off to paint them pink of then some lacy bows oh yeah
you can make a corset lace on the back of the leg part that would be neat

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i kinda like the second ones, probably wouldn't wear them though, I'm tall enough already :O)

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I don't like either of them and how would you even stand in the 1st ones?!

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on your toes?

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I'd wear the first ones, if I could wear them. I don't like the second ones at all, ewww.

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