What do you and your partner enjoy doing together?
Me and my BF are learning Chinese together.
lol well...erm....COUGH..erm...but yeh we were gonna learn spanish together but we never ended up going to Barcelona, so maybe another time! We like to just hang about and being silly and go places but I can't really afford to go places much but we're planning another trip to London soon Good luck with the Chinese.
thanks. A trip to London sounds cool.
Me and the man like to watch movies, go for walks(when I had good knees), go swimming...hang out
the usual hang out, movie.... bla bla bla.... we also both volunteer with middle school kids group at our church. it is a lot of fun. like on friday we are doing an "Up all night" where we start at 7pm and end at 7am.... i don't know what we are thinking... all the kids get to o to a pizza place, movie, arcade, and ice skating. then the go back to our youth room where we have volleyball, basketball, pool, airhocky, Foosball, ping-pong, and vid games... we both love hanging out with the kids and getting to be a mentor at the same time as reliving our youth.
Yeh we always watch films or something at his he has a big tv and lots of dvds! Last summer we used to walk to this feild where there were cows and on the way there were baby duckies! We went for a walk on Saturday and we went up this path and on each side there were bushes and with it still being Summer (just) the bushes almost covered the path and one of these bushes went quite far along the path and the whole thing was buzzing it was horrible! I'm very scared of wasps so that was my first thought, I ran! Won't be going for another walk till Winter now haha but it was still nice.
my boyfriend and i like to fuck and play the ukulele. this weekend we learnt avril lavigne's complicated, and i played all the small things on my melodica. we'd rather play indie pop but awful songs are so much more fun. he also just learnt to knit so we do a bit of that. we like to watch comedies like curb your enthusiasm and arrested development on DVD, episode after episode, marthon style. We also go on walks and bake together and talk a load of rubbish. we like to eat sweets and anything else that pleases our bellies and we like to tell each other awful jokes, and that we love each other.
aaaaaw (I don't know if some of that was joking or not lol) we like curb your enthusiasm We! Damn it I never wanted to be a couple couple! We have a couple language and everything! We played guitar together once both of us have quit playing now though
I'd like us to both go and volunteer or something but I like that some things we have in common and somethings he does is his thing and things i do are 'my things'.
I'm all fuzzy about us today so sorry for corny things
Umm we watch series together like Six Feet Under and Arrested Development (I think The Wire is up next) and we go drinking. I guess we're kind of a simple couple, we just enjoy watching TV and films together because we have very similar tastes. He likes burning me CDs and I like knitting him things. Most of the time we cuddle up on the sofa and talk because we never get enough of talking. Oh yeah and sharing big tubs at Ben and Jerrys (I eat it with him because he won't let me look at the calories hehe). Oh and sexy time of course.
we are both hippies, I love his tie dye, ripped jeans look and he likes my quirky style. We often vintage shop together, and he loves my creative side. Today we went book browsing and now are chilling out
we also have this really corny game we play, we call each other pet names[based on food, plants, carts, etc] no stop and the first person who stumbles or says something not related to the topic looses.
Haha what an awesome game!
We have a game where he suggests that I'm fat or ugly or stupid and I pout until he's lovely enough to make me stop =P
cute! I do tickle attack
Oh Tim gets annoyed when I do that =P Ooh, smoking! We smoke together, I don't smoke any other time. Cigarettes taste like Timmywim <3
we go out the the Pub for grub all the time. Servers know us by name.
Well we live and work side by side haha We never get sick of each other, well almost never ;)
We also watch a lot of tv shows in big marathon sessions! The Wire is one of the best shows I have ever seen, I hope you like it KK
We cook together, play with the kitty. Watch films and then talk about them afterwards, same with books and tv, music etc.
We play computer games together, when the weather is good, just exploring the city. Drinking coffee, pigging out, being silly.
Exercising together, we started the 100 push up challenge!
Just being with each other really, even if we are just lying on the couch saying nothing ;D
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