Oddest request ever

My bf's work department have decided to adopt the tardigrade as their work mascot (???) and want me to make them one. I've found some pics - one here - http://www.ign.com/blogs/skeevin/2012/08/15/volus-are-real-and-the-bbc-has-revealed-their-secret-origins
I haven't the foggiest how to even start this or what to make it from - it sounds as if they'd like it to be a plush type toy. It looks to me like an alien hoover bag to me so any suggestions or ideas how to recreate one would be very welcome Happy

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11 replies since 22nd March 2013 • Last reply 22nd March 2013

There's a shop called Giant Microbes, maybe you can take a look at their dust mite to get some inspiration:http://www.giantmicrobes.com/us/products/dustmite.html

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Oh look, they even have a tardigrade(wikipedia says they're also called waterbears): http://www.giantmicrobes.com/us/products/waterbear.html

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Lol their tardigrade actually looks quite cute. Its given me some ideas though and I had no idea they were called waterbears too. I never even knew they existed till yesterday.

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Wow! They are some awesome little buggers, I can see why your bf office picked water bears for their mascot. You could try like a tube then creating sections to create the body and felt for the details.

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I've been pinning every cartoon or plush similar to get ideas. It helps to know they're called water bears too. I'm thinking I might need to use some elastic round the nossel thingy so that it has that hoover bag appearance that they seem to have.

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Oh my gosh, that website has the cutest plushies. I want the bad breath!

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this is the best conversation ever! GO WATER BEARS!! Those things are so cute!
Are you making a human size mascot costume?

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What mediums do you think you would want to do it in/know how to do. Because going off the link of the water bear plushie above I think it might be pretty easiest to crochet it (but that's just me).

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(Not really helpful) But I love Waterbears!!!! They're the only microorganism in the world that can survive detrimental temperatures (from -459 degrees F to 304 degreesF), & extreme radiation & pressure. They can survive in any environment on earth, even in outer space. So when the earth blows up, itll be the only thing still here. haha Plus they're oddly cute. ;)
They have 8 legs, with 4-8 claws on each.
This link might help you with more facts on them, to give you more ideas. Happy

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Waterbears, cockroaches and WALLIE!!! They will be all that is left! lol

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I'm okay at crocheting but have never attempted anything like a plush and think that might be a bit beyond me. I was thinking of sewing it out of something like fleece. I've got a pinterest board I'm pinning pics of them on and pics of any of the suggestions people are adding here. I think I'll have to start with a small one and then if the pattern works make a bigger one.

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