Project HELP
So, I have a few items that have newly come my way, with project potential. I am having a bit of a brain fart, because I know I can make great things; its intimidating.
My friend moved and she broke 3 glass shelves and now we have a shit ton of glass. Her husband broke the back mirror on the hutch the shelves were in so there is also mirror pieces.
I have Twinnings Tea boxes... and small Brie wheel boxes.
Gosh, what else...? Those are the main things that I want to use up. OH yah and tea tins!! what do I do with them!!?
Any ideas?
You could make earrings or a bracelet/necklace with any of the broken pieces. But i would suggest putting some sort of protectant around the edges so its not sharp, only thing that comes to mind right now is hot glue but there are other better ones. That's just an idea though. hopefully that gets your project ideas rolling
You could always paint the glass shards, then glue them together like stained glass.
Mirror pieces and glass make really interesting table tops, so maybe create a glass and mirror mosaic on end tables or something?
If you do make jewelry, you would need a glass sander to smooth the sharp edges. Any time you sand glass, make sure to wear a respirator or a face mask and goggles because tiny glass fragments and dust can do some major damage to eyes, throat, and lungs.
Forgot about the boxes... Maybe paint the tea boxes and use them to wrap small presents?
What do the brie wheel boxes look like? Could you post a picture?
Justine- The ear rings are great!! That would have scared me, before thinking the edges through!! lol
Monika! I love the stained glass table! Tea table for the GARDEN! The jewlelry idea is good. Wonder if there are some good ones already out there.... The Twinnings I totally thought of using them as gift boxes but not painting them! I love that.

I think the Brie wheel boxes would make excellent jewelry boxes if they were painted or beaded. I'm a sucker for round boxes though, lol. They'd also make decent key dishes and change bowls if they're already sturdy... or you could strengthen them by decoupaging them.
You could perhaps use the brie boxes as selotape or ribbon dispensers. They would look great decoupaged, like monika suggested. You could perhaps use the glass and mirror shards to make mosaic frames for pictures or mirrors.
They definitely need to be decoupaged, but they are sturdier than you'd think, reinforcement is always important.
Libby, I like the frames idea. (my friend and i are now collecting all the glass that gets broken at our houses, so we can keep this up). I can't wait to start posting projects!
Thanks guys!!!
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