<3 modge podge heels

So today was my first day using modge podge..I was never really crafty before until I started reading on this site..

I was inspired by these...

<img src=http://www.louboutinpumpsdiscount.com/images/Christian-Louboutin-Marilyn-Monroe-peep-toe-slingback%20CL15058_03.jpg>

and made these!
not bad for a rookie right?


...i never thought paper macheing a shoe would be tough work but it is! one shoe is done gotta finish the other this weekend

<img src=http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/206903_10150149948341710_604281709_7000880_7318174_n.jpg>

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12 replies since 15th April 2011 • Last reply 15th April 2011

wow those are awesome! great job, I hope the second one turns out that good too Happy

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You should make a how-to once you finish! I would love to make a version of this. They look awesome btw.

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they are lovely!! not that much different from the original ones either! Happy

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wow!!! they are amazing!!!! loved your shoes!

you could really do a how-to... I'm with felicity there Happy

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definitely will guys! actually it's kinda like making a collage. with lots modge podge. Happy tutorial up soon

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Those are great! I'd love a How-To

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They look awesome!

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Those are amazing! Id love a how to on them! they are super cute!

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these are amazing, do you think it's work the same on flats or tennis shoes?

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these are amazing, do you think it's work the same on flats or tennis shoes?

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@ kenadie - most definitely. someone has a tutorial flat for mod podge on here

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