Favorite DIY Fashion Blogs

I know everyone here loves this site, but I was wondering if everyone had some favorite diy fashion blogs that they also frequent, becuase I'm always searching for new inspiration.
I'll share mine first, lovemeagan.com (go to the diy section, she has some amazing projects)
cocorosa has some great diy tights projects (http://mypreciousconfessions.blogspot.com/2009/05/diy-embellished-tights-tutorial.html), not exactly a style blog but they have some great projects, designsponge.com, and finally free people has a great diy section of their blog (http://blog.freepeople.com/tag/wednes-diy/) flip through the archives for more great projects

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27 replies since 24th April 2010 • Last reply 24th April 2010

I like wardrobe refashion http://nikkishell.typepad.com/wardroberefashion/ although she is changing the site soon so you will have to pay to join up at some point which is a real shame. I also love Carly of here's blog - chicsteals.blogspot.com

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I like threadbanger.com and generationt.com

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These guys are great and post some good links too.

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Thanks for these...I mainly come here and threadbanger so these are great for me to expand my fashion-surfing! Cheers m'dears!

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I like Instructables.com and dollarstorecrafts.com

but my favorite blogs are scream-stress.blogspot.com

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Ohmygosh loving this thread!~
And I definitely love this blog!

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Outsapop Trashion and Honestly wtf... !!!
Both great websites

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I found this site the other day www.burdastyle.com It's awesome for inspiration.

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I don't know any, but some of these are really good, i like lovemeagan a lot.

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Before each project there's an awesome mood board that goes with it and she makes some really pretty things. I've put the book on my christmas list!

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I like a lot of the ones that have already been posted.
I also like http://apair-andaspare.blogspot.com

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Hi girls!!! my blog has a DIY section where i show how to create your own cloth with videos and tutorials! come take a look!!

DIY section

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