Dress of Awesomeness. Hah. XD

So I get it- I'm not the best at sewing. I've known how to sew for about a year now, and I still STINK.

I'm a very picky clothes person- I hate pink, small ruffles, floral, sparkly, shiny, obviously store-bought dresses.

I went to 23 stores looking for a graduation (8th grade lol :/) dress. 23!!! I went out of state for 6 of them.

Isn't that sad?

So I have been thinking of my first homecoming dress- I want to get started now so I have loads of time to take it very slowly. I'm making it out of tea-tinted muslin. (I have this weird obsession with the stuff...?)

I want to make an "antique" looking dress, and I was planning to wear a black locket/key necklace with it. (Hah and I barely wear jewlery :/)

I was thinking a dress with three-quarter-lenth sleeves, with a sweetheart neckline that has a triangle at the bottom. I'm going to make a petticoat because I like ALOT of fluff :3

So basically like this but with tea-tinted muslin- http://i404.photobucket.com/albums/pp121/Ecowiser/Untitled-2.png

So I'm looking for very good tutorials on how to make dresses similar, or maybe tutorials on seperate parts. I'm also a bit unsure about how to make the sweetheart neckline and triangle bottom. Would I need boning? I'm on a tight budget :X

Thank you all so much! Happy

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12 replies since 21st July 2010 • Last reply 21st July 2010

Have you thought about going onto burdastyle and getting yourself a pattern love? That kind of dress unless you are a good sewer is going to be tricky. x

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Yeah, I was going to suggest Burda Style. Free to about $5 on there. And you can always add your own touches. (=

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yes definitely a patter can be a tremendous help and make you a better seamstress in the end

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There's a tute here
The dresses are similar to what you're after=)

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Wow...That kind of dress will be expensive. Just for the amount of fabric you'll need to purchase to get the fullness. You'll need all sorts of notions too, like zippers, and lace, tulle or an underskirt. Facings, lining...etc. I think your best bet (since you say you're no good with a machine) is to rent one from a costume shop.

Otherwise, check out the costume patterns at Wal-Mart (or where ever you buy fabric) Simplicity has quite a few to choose from (you can even order online) Just be sure you thoroughly read the pattern to make sure you get all the materials you need. Ask an attendant for help if you're not sure how to read it. As a person who sews a lot, I understand that if you want a big dress like this, there is a LOT of work involved. ('m not trying to discourage you...NEVER would I discourage someone wanting to sew!) Just don't bite off more than you can chew unless you have a lot of cash and time!

I know it's not exactly what you're looking for, but I have a vintage (80's) dress pattern with the sweetheart neck and v at the waist. It's never even been used. ;) I'll loan it out to you if you think you can work with it to get the shape that you want. There is less fabric and notions (and steps!) involved with a pattern like this. (and it can easily be adapted to suit you)Just send it back when you're done.

<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j237/dessahkristene/pattern.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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I didn't mean for that to sound bossy. lol You don't have to like this pattern. Haha!

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Thank you all so much! Happy

I might ask for the 80's pattern- I still am wondering how hard the http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=259026.0 would be to change..... (Ill pay you though! Happy)

Well it is a relief I won't need boning Happy

I dont think it will cost too much for I already have a zipper and the stuff for the petticoat (already found a tutorial) and I dont plan on adding all that jazzy stuff to it. Maybe just a bow pin. XD

The most thing I'm concerned about is the bodice part. Haha I'll get over it. XD

All the replies are so lovely thank you so much! Happy

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Thank you all so much! Happy

I might ask for the 80's pattern- I still am wondering how hard the http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=259026.0 would be to change..... (Ill pay you though! Happy)

Well it is a relief I won't need boning Happy

I dont think it will cost too much for I already have a zipper and the stuff for the petticoat (already found a tutorial) and I dont plan on adding all that jazzy stuff to it. Maybe just a bow pin. XD

The most thing I'm concerned about is the bodice part. Haha I'll get over it. XD

All the replies are so lovely thank you so much! Happy

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A good book to help you follow patterns and that is Sewing for Dummies, would definitely use a pattern and alter from there though! You are going to look gorgeous!

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Agreed. Patterns for the bust are way better than trying to figure out drawing your own. Arm holes and dart placements need to be exact if you want a nice looking garment. There are all kinds of sewing books at the library. I check them out often for refreshers and inspiration. Good luck! I can't wait to see what you make.

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