Yarn, beads, string, I can't keep my hands off of them. I joined this site in a mad fit of joy because it was exactly what I wanted from a craft website. I like to dabble in all sorts of craft techniques from sewing to crocheting to beading (though not so much of the latter, I don't have the patience for it -_-) Things kind of snowball everytime I browse through the projects other people post because I'll see something I like and say, "I could learn how to do that!" (exactly how I learned to knit) I think I have a great variety of projects up so have fun looking around!
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Recent Activity
- favorited Easy Corn Dog Muffins 16 Mar 00:48
- favorited Chicken Enchilada Chili 16 Mar 00:33
- favorited Crochet Creature 30 Dec 07:01
- favorited Crochet Cthulhu 30 Dec 06:54
- favorited Crochet Instagram Purse 30 Dec 06:53
- favorited Pirate Bear Bookmark 30 Dec 06:53
- favorited Tri Fold Wallet 01 Jul 01:54
- commented on their comment haha, how cute :) to Free 2012 Mantra Printable 09 Jan 00:11
- commented on their comment It's so pretty :D to Knitted Hooded Cape 09 Jan 00:07
- commented on their comment XD I love these to Squid 29 Dec 01:00
- commented on their comment pattern pattern pattern! How did you make the legs? to Octopus 29 Dec 00:58
- commented on their comment sooo cute :D where did you come up with the pattern? to 9th Dr Who And Snowy Tardis 29 Dec 00:57
You might want to receive a free tutorial for this necklace: http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/boracay-palms-necklace
You can visit my blog on how to join: http://www.handmade-jewelry-club.com/2011/09/link-to-us-and-get-boracay-palms.html
See you there!
You asked for the how-to for the Loop De Loop Ring. You can find the tutorial here: http://www.diylessons.org/101563,item_id,ad_details
Indeed they do, look like the bullet!!
Any whoo...more nail designs are to come...
like you i'm honest as well.;-D sometimes i'm in a hurry and can't watch all the new projects really well, so i love to see them on someones page to watch them much better.
sometimes there are too much new things and then.... i will miss some good ones.
so thank you for given me an comment so i saw your new projects;-D
Hey wish you a great nice weekend we have a special weekend because it's queens day, then the most dutch people will dress themselfs in orange cloths, and there is a free market where you can sell your old things (not always nice , sometimes it's real garbish but i love those markets , and some kiddo's are selling their toys for almost nothing and you can watch performances. it's just fun.;-D
but i will stay this year at home, musn't buy new things i will do other things i think.LOL
hey be crafty and creative;-D xxxx
i'm blossing.!!!LOL Thank you very much .
hey have a great nice creative week;-D xxx
I advice to you
but okay , i really love the idea's and some are really inspiring me.
She is a crafter , but like me all round, not in one technick.
but it'r a really USA thing.
for europeans sometimes hard to translate.LOL
I have made almost my art project ready so i think i will started on my goodbye gifts, have some kitschy materials bought for to use .LOL
had allready made my design on the computer so i hope it don't cost me tooo much weeks.
still wiishes i had more time to do other things-S
but ... that's not what i can do.
hey have a fun long weekend as well and lots of hugs and kisses.
Hey i have search for you this link to send, you can see how she needle punched it in a movie, you can see some other felting technics as well and some cuties;-D
yes it 's like knitting and crocheting and weaving that form a piece of fibres or yarn you can make every thing you wants;-D
or like modeling clay. but be carefull those needles are very very scarp and can harm you very bad.
so don't rusch , take your time.
when i 'm a little bit further with the other technic i will make a how to for here as well.
and you can make the webbing i have upload too from those wooolen fibres.
i think i will make some glass curtains of those webbings.
Hey much fun , like your enthousiastme.;-=D
keep me posted , like it.;-D
Here 's the link:
hey have a nice afternoon and for tomorrow much felting fun weekend;-D xxx
i have missed that a lot , so now i know the tricks i'm glad to share them with others.
i'm still experimenting with a new methode of 3d felting in the machine on felt fabric. i have some results that i like, i think i will make a tiny bag of it.
still thinking of some new things to add.
and felting can be very therapeutic it will ease a lot of people down.LOL
specially the wet methode.
hey much succes and i keep my fingers cross for you.
I have just yet written the explination of the boils of the sweater.
hope it's helpfull.
i'm a teacher in that art .LOL so i had to learn all those things, ;-D
humm be warned don't use the razor tooo often its not good for the fibres of your sweater
but it's a much faster trick then using your fingers.LOL
hey greetings and have fun;-D
wish you much crafting fun with the making of , i think i will make a new one, i felt sad that my sis i lost him so quickly.
hey have a nice fun rest of the week;-D
and have an nice lazy sunday afternoon and a calm fun next week;-D
And I might just do that!
Writing such a great tute. love the bookmark as well.
but i have written that allready in the comment .
hey have a nice day;-D
i allways like to search for other solutions and i like the idea on here to help each other with our own knowledge;-D
hey have a nice day;-D
I have made them often myself of polymere as well, some years ago i couldn't find them not to buy.
and then do the same . but first add a layer of modepodge on it or of wood glue of of white glue and let it dry and then paint them
Hope this is helping you to make your own version.
thanks too for the fave;-D
hey have an awesome fun week , a merry xmas time and a great fine fun crafting new year;-D
the tools i have used are expensive there are less expensive ones;-D
i can help you too with that, he have a fine xmas time and a happy crafting new year;-D
hey have an nice lazy sunday after noon;-D
CO + K User
hey i've you want i can make for you the tute, just let me know.
I wasn't so sure of people wanted to know this.
it's easy when you make this first of neelde felting and then scrub the connention with some soap with water in the bubble wrapping and then just trow it between the laundry in the washing machine.
after all you musr remoddeling it and let it dry .
i love to felt, learning still more technics of it.
Hey thank you for your lovely sweet comment and the fave , i appriciate it very much;-D
On the other toadstools between... i have showed the felting technic but not how you can make an connection but that's helping to make you start;-D
have an awesome day;-D
and too of your awesome nice kind comment, i was very glad with it.;-D
hey good of you to tell others to become a member here as well.
i had a lot of doubts too, because i thought i must write much better english so it took some years for i signed here in;-D
but the people are mostly nice and not writing english very well isn't the most importend thing. and stil learning a lot of the others;-D like the sharing and the frienlyness;-D
hey have a nice eve and a fun nice good week;-D
hope you like to fues your old plastic bags on those molds too;-D
much fun with the making of and have an awesome fun weekend;-D
thanks for the fave!
CO + K User
Hope this helps