I'm currently studying fashion and want to teach textiles in the long run. I have 4 yr old daughter who is wonderful and frightening all at once
I've always been a crafter and love working with fabric. At the moment i love embroidery and felt work. I also make dolls and little felt creations which usually end up as brooches.... I love a good brooch
You can find my makes on my etsy shop- Made By Rosie under the user name MadeByRosieR and also on the facebook on the page Made By Rosie xxx
I've always been a crafter and love working with fabric. At the moment i love embroidery and felt work. I also make dolls and little felt creations which usually end up as brooches.... I love a good brooch
You can find my makes on my etsy shop- Made By Rosie under the user name MadeByRosieR and also on the facebook on the page Made By Rosie xxx
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- favorited Unicorn Plushie 12 Jan 00:29
Thanks a lot for faving my bag!