Posts by susie

    I made my tartan pick up skirt for the last wedding I attended and I felt a million bucks! It's traditional in Scotland for men to kilt up for the wedding, but girls rock kilts harder Happy
    The other thing I would suggest, though possibly drastic if you don't do that sort of thing, is a new hair colour for the wedding... pillar box red, hot pink, cool lilac, bright blue... you'll definitely feel stand out and fab for the day and if you want to wear black you'll still look bright and happy with crazy coloured hair Happy

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    Dance your buns off to Babymetal to banish boredom!

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    I totally agree with you Debs, there is more to contributing to the site than just posting projects. The community spirit of cut out and keep is a wonderful thing and, although I've never done a swap, I like being able to message and contribute my opinions and tips on the boards. My frustration stemmed from the total lack of activity, including faving projects and general posting, from some of the 'top crafters', hence my suggestion of limiting the list to members that have hit up the website at least once in the last couple of years. It's only a suggestion though, just thought it worth a mention Happy
    I know rankings aren't everything at the end of the day, and I shan't lose sleep over it, but if I wasn't at least a little competitive and Narcissistic I likely wouldn't bother putting my stuff online at all ;)

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    I don't think it's necessary to add more lists, the problem is how the top crafters list is comprised by relying solely on cumulative favourites. It just offers no chance of fair representation in regards to the members that strive to post frequently, favourite other member's projects and be a part of the site as a whole if we are forever to be in the shadow of a one off crafter.
    Are you aware that out of your top 20 'top crafters' , only 5 (including yourself) have even posted to cut out and keep in the last year? Whilst the remaining 15 have not even been active on the site for at least 3 years. I'm suggesting that when you compile the top crafters list, you only include active members or, at the very least, members that have posted a project on here in the last 2 years.

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    It sounds really churlish to say, but the way the 'top crafters' chart is ordered by most likes doesn't seem the fairest to me. I know I'm no where near the top charts but some of the charted crafters have only have one super well liked project that was posted several years ago and don't seem to be currently active on the site. They utterly deserve their spot on the 'all time' chart but feel a bit disappointed, as someone who posts regular projects, that I'll never make the top crafter list up against a girl who posted 1 project some 7 years ago that has gained 1060 faves.
    I'll still strive for 1060 faves of course ;)

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    beautiful work, can't wait to see it on here Happy

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    Thank you so much! I really love this site and the community spirit it inspires, CO&K is a special place Happy
    As I'm bragging about my family, this is a painting I commissioned from my mum after the death of my first pair of winged boots. It's similar to a pic she did when I was a child of her battered old DMs and I just adore it...

    Medium sam 5361
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    Last time I bought a dress from the charity shop that was too small I cut up the back centre and corset laced it up instead, don't know if it would suit your dress style though

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    I have always felt a step behind my family talent wise, my mother is an amazing artist and sewing wizard, my 3 older sisters are all gifted at their own things including drawing/painting, knitting, joinery, jewellery making, using found items and beach drift to make amazing things as we all grew up on an island.
    I always found the stuff I made to be rather silly in comparison but it's through cut out and keep that I've found more confidence in my work and it inspires me to push myself further. Might always be the littlest sister but I'm definitely catching up to them Happy

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    I'm very fortunate to be part of a wonderful talented family, my big sisters can turn their hand to pretty much anything and make their passions their life, there is no better way to live if you ask me.
    This is my sister Sharon -

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    That's awesome, I do like a wee bit o' horror myself so I'll check out her blog Happy
    Callum and I have known each other forever being from the same small island in Scotland, but I love that we have grown together and share our nerdiest parts. He is constantly trying to show me new anime he loves, I'm waffling on about comics he should read, he tries to get me to play computer games and I try to get him to watch American comedies. It's a great back and forth and I never imagined that the gifts I bestow upon him (always make jokes about filling his house with sh*t) would turn in to such a loving tribute. Best friends are the best Happy

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    done and good luck! Happy

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    I'm lucky to have a lot of lovely family and friend who love my crafty gifts but none more so than my best friend Callum who yesterday surprised me with this wonderful article about my anime themed crafts I've made for him.

    So happy, I'm a total robot and it brings a tear to my eye!
    So who is your biggest crafting supporter? Happy

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    Scottish legends and fairy tales are really sweet, but quite creepy. My favourite was always the Kelpie stories Happy

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    Mostly dark circles under your eyes are caused, not by tiredness, but by congestion in your sinuses that causes some blood to get trapped in your under eye cavities. Not an instant fix but if you make sure you keep your sinus clear, try nasal sprays or steam, I swear you'll see an improvement in general appearance

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