Posts by susie

    Hi all, I'm wanting to make myself a Star Trak Original Series female uniform, which hilariously is called the 'skant' uniform. Just wondering if any one one CO+K has tried it before and can offer any hints and tips about patterns and material?

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    It's always a challenge to make new friends, particularly when you don't fit into people's cookie cutter image of what you're supposed to be. I started in hairdressing collage when I was 17 because I loved doing crazy hair colours and stuff, found out within a couple of months that the other girls in my class were all far more interested in hair straightening and tanning. I quit because it just wasn't for me, and have never regretted it. But from the sounds of it, you're doing something that you are passionate about so don't let anyone try and make you feel like you're smaller than them, just nose to the grindstone and excel, then turn around and stick your tongue out at anyone who might have thought less of you because you watch old scifi films instead of whatever-country-your-in's got talent.
    Also, about a guy calling you a nerd, I get that constantly and I always get weirdly upset at it because I've got bed memories of being called a nerd by bullies in school. But I realise I'd rather be an individual "nerd" that a conformist sheep, so just ignore them, go home, and make something fabulous.

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    If it was me I'd go and get what ever dress I like best, and what ever suited me best. Why try to match with a guy who's, lets face it, going to have someone who matches him pretty well at your prom, and it'll be the guy in the other dumb and dumber tux.
    You might as well get a dress just for you, that you love and feel special in. x

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    Erm, just realised this says dress FORM not dress FROM. I'm in Glasgow and the only place I know that sells dress forms is Mandors fabric shop. This might be a better and more fun option on the cheap -

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    Primark, cheap and cheerful.

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    I think you've be better following the tutorial on here for two tone leggings and make them up in black and red. Though jeans give more coverage/warmth, leggings are easier to work with.

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    Thanks, I'll have a look on eBay and such Happy

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    I really want to try casting some resin jewellery but don't know what stuff I should buy. Can any CO+K ers recommend a brand of Resin that they like? I live in Scotland but most stuff is available on eBay Happy

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    Other than all the lady accesorries (earrings, fascinators, fans, etc) I remember seeing a kind of see through Christmas bauble stuffed with colourful feathers last year. Would be the time to start crafting for Crimbo Happy

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    Hi crafty gals and guys,
    I'm wanting to try mental stamping (letters on a wee brass dog tag) but I've not got a bench block (big lump of mental as far as I can see) and feel unwilling to part with £15 for one.
    Is there something I could use as a cheaper alternative?

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    First time I've had this problem, wouldn't moan but I'm really cuffed with my project but desipe it being published to the site, it's not showing up on the projects list. Know there is probably nothing to be done now, just a bit upset and wanted a moan.

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    Almost everything I make is for a gift. Sometimes it feels a bit silly to spend all that time making things and to only have a photo of it afterwards, but I love the reaction you get from people when you give them something you've made yourself just for them!

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    Just out of curiosity I looked at all the crafters on here from Glasgow and can see most of them don't have any projects, they just watch and fav things, guess that's just the way of things.
    I've become entirely addicted to posting my makes, but it is hard to find the time with work, domestic life and my wee girl. I'm seeing enough new things every day on here to keep my interest anyway Happy

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    Will it affect my favourites if I edit my project to add more tags? Just realised I've not really tagged them with anything and would like to.

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    Kawaii to mean always means tiny features on big faces! :3

    Medium kawaii
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