Posts by susie

    Scotland the Brave (and Faaaabulous) ;) x

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    Circle skirts are a good basic, require some small amount of maths, but I got through that so anyone can Happy
    The thing I find easiest is to use something already in your wardrobe that you like the shape of and copy the pattern (don't forget to leave yourself seam allowance when drawing round your item of clothing)

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    Beautiful stuff! I'm a huge indie comics fan and a bit of a graphic art junkie, I love your style to bits Happy

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    What about E6000? strong enough for shoe decoration Happy

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    Just to say that when I say 'click my fingers' I mean like you would snap along to a beat, or if you were taking part in a West Side Story dance fight!
    Although crafting and knuckle clicking go sooo hand in hand for me, especially if it's something like a papercut project and you're hand is in the same position for a while.
    This thread is very comforting, it's nice to know that everyone is crazy, but I'm still the bull goose loony round here Tongue

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    oh, don't pull your eyelashes! Ouch!
    I don't look at my boobs a lot, but I do pat them down (like you would a pocket) when I'm looking for my phone Happy Maybe all ladies have a weird boob quirk!
    My most, top annoying habit is I speak in a silly grand English accent a lot, my friend and I have even named my grand alter ego.

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    My daughter walked on her toes for the first few months, think it was watching me tip toe about Happy
    I hate it when people point out your oddities though! My friend once pointed out how often I begin sentences with the term 'Quite frankly' and I'm now taking great pains to stop myself!

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    I'm chock-full of habits ranging from the mildly annoying to the proper cray cray. I click my fingers constantly when I'm looking for something, I walk on my tip toes all the time, I have countless numbers of catchphrases and noises I make over and over... I can't do anything quietly. Yeah, I'm a pain in the butt to be around Happy

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    Awww, I'm way up in Glasgow! What an amazing achievement, big congrats! Hope we'll get a peek of your costumes on here at least Happy x

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    Email Tom about it, he deals with the site programming and stuff
    You can message him in the 'about' section, think it's just teething problems from the new uploader but he's really helpful and will sort it out in no time Happy

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    If you look at my projects I do a bunch of easy personalised gifts such as paper cut silhouettes (can be of any favourite movies/bands/ or even the person you're making it for.
    Or grab some felt and some fabric glue and add a personal touch to a shop bought pillow Happy

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    If it's a site suggestion I'd probably just email Cat, Tom or Crafterella, depending on whos attention you think it should be for Happy

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    Thanks for the links, it is essentially the pattern I sketched out so at least it doesn't seem like such an intimidating project now Happy
    As far as I can gather from the Roddenberry site, the reviews for the pattern are pretty dire and everyone that's purchased it has had to alter it a lot so I think I'll save the £20 and try and dummy my own one.

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    Thanks, I did spot this one on youtube and it's excellent but I'm really wanting the authentic looking uniform, cause I'm a weirdo Happy
    I think I'm just going to have to dummy my own pattern, it'll be an adventure if nothing else Happy

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    Like this one Happy

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