Posts by susie

    Email Tom about it, he deals with the site programming and stuff
    You can message him in the 'about' section, think it's just teething problems from the new uploader but he's really helpful and will sort it out in no time Happy

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    First time I've had this problem, wouldn't moan but I'm really cuffed with my project but desipe it being published to the site, it's not showing up on the projects list. Know there is probably nothing to be done now, just a bit upset and wanted a moan.

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    Almost everything I make is for a gift. Sometimes it feels a bit silly to spend all that time making things and to only have a photo of it afterwards, but I love the reaction you get from people when you give them something you've made yourself just for them!

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    Just out of curiosity I looked at all the crafters on here from Glasgow and can see most of them don't have any projects, they just watch and fav things, guess that's just the way of things.
    I've become entirely addicted to posting my makes, but it is hard to find the time with work, domestic life and my wee girl. I'm seeing enough new things every day on here to keep my interest anyway Happy

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    Will it affect my favourites if I edit my project to add more tags? Just realised I've not really tagged them with anything and would like to.

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