A few projects and a few materials..
Seeing as Nobody else has put one up, I thought I'd do my best at a little knitting lesson, especially for DeLightfulfreak <3
There are tons of Tuts on the net, check out the youtube vids, they might make more sense than pics.
This is the basics, I might do a tut on ribbing and eyelets and buttonholes etc, but i think this is everything you need for my Pullip patterns :P
I'm very sorry this is so long, so here is the index!
5......Cast on
26....Casting off
29....Increasing (knit)
31....Increasing (purl)
I learnt from a kit a few years ago, and then a couple of good techniques from books and from trial and error.
This is Written from a right-handed point of view, so Lefties can either knit like this with difficulty? or find another tut, I know there are others online, and also some good vids on youtube.
Elentine favorited Knitting Tutorial 22 Dec 02:14
Cassandra B. favorited Knitting Tutorial 20 Nov 04:10
You Will Need
Step 1
You really don't need much to start knitting, just a ball of yarn and a pair of needles. Charity shops often have lots of yarn very cheap, and pots of knitting needles, so don't be afraid to ask as they often keep the majority out the back. Of course, there are also highstreet shops that sell all sort of yarn, and if you know exactly what you want or need lots of matching yarn for a jumper etc they are good for that, but obv a lot more expensive.
Anyway, I recommend a plain wool and smaller needles than I have here, but not the tiniest, 5mm maybe, but whatever you are comfortable with. The plain wool will show up any mistakes so you can see where you went wrong, but as soon as you get the basic idea, and your fabric holds together use some fancy yarn thats quite furry or exotic somehow, then if you make a mistake it wont show at all and it will be pretty even if you are limited to a very basic pattern :)
Gosh, I do go off on one dont I? sorry, I'll try and be briefer :P
Step 7
Take the yarn (you can see two tails hanging from the work here, one is from the knot, ignore that from now on, it is excessively long and i would probable cut it or weave it in usually. The yarn refers to the wool that is still connected to the ball) and wrap it around the back of the right hand needle and between the two.
Step 8
Right, this picture is deceptive. It would be easier with different coloured needles, but trust me, th vertical needle in the picture above is the right hand needle (RHN), here it is the left hand needle (LHN).
You put the point of the RHN against the side of the LHN and slide the yarn that is between them across into a loop. If you lose the connection the yarn can escape between them and you will have to go back to step 6.
Step 17
instead of moving the new stitch to the LHN, leave it on the RHN and slip the stitch you started with, the one you pushed the RHN through, off the LHN (be careful not to pull any other stiches off with it), then start a new stitch, going from the bottom to the back.. -
Step 34
The scarf on the right is a good project for a begginer, as the furry yarn disgiuses any mistakes, and you dont need to increase/decrease at all.
The hat is to the pullip hat design, with knitted flowers. the thin long scarf is 6 stitches wide stockinette, with a fancy yarn wraped around and sewn in. the white was the start of a mitten, but shows the contrast between the wrond side and the right side of the stockinette stitch.
It'll take some and practice for me to learn but I'll keep trying ^^
Knitting is easy, once you know how.
Trust me