I've just re-read this again for the first time since I wrote it - and Jeez my grammar was awful! There are some dreadful typos in there, but I'm really really glad so many of you have managed to ignore them and find it comprehensable! It makes me really happy to hear that it's helping other people learn/re-learn such a brilliant craft. Happy knitting!
I learnt to knit many years ago, but my sister or mum always cast on for me. Now i've decided to take it up again, and i've tried pictures, videos, a special DVD and all sorts to learn how to cast on, all with no luck. And now you, madam, have taught me in under two minutes I wish to marry you ^_^
OMG. I want to try knitting now! My friends who know how say they learn from youtube, but I can't even load youtube on my laptop. =__=""" And online tutorials skip the basics! Thanks!!
I am sure there are other out there, like me, that only have dial up and watching videos on Youtube is not a viable option and you make it look doable. Thanks for sharing this tutorial with us!
Thanks! I thought the lenght would put people off, but I did want to make it clear and accesable to everyone
Knitting is easy, once you know how.
Trust me
It'll take some and practice for me to learn but I'll keep trying ^^
Knitting is easy, once you know how.
Trust me