Geek/nerd swap 2013
I'm glad you liked the cards. I wasn't sure if they were too corny, but I got a good laugh making them.
I spy Chemistry cat though! Hopefully your package arrives today. It took until Saturday night for Sioux Falls to get fixed up after the blizzard that hit them on Tuesday and Wednesday, so hopefully some packages will get to where they need to be (2 Amazon packs of mine got stuck there last week because of the weather, icky).
I got your package! Man did we have the same ideas or what? lol So awesome.
I took a picture that I should have up by tomorrow
Hahaha yeah, when I got your package I laughed because we had sent each other practically the same thing LOL. LOVE IT! We were definitely on the same crafty wave-length! I got cards with awesome jokes (I love corny chem jokes) and a rock ring! She got the rock from the Carnegie Museum of History. How cool! It. was. Awesomness.

Yeah, the Carnegie Museum of Natural History has a ROCK VENDING MACHINE!!! You put in a quarter and out comes a rock or two. lol
So here's my package from you: two awesome Chemistry Cat cards, a rock ring, and Mario candies that made my fiance jealous! (I saved him some because he LOVES the old Mario games--total NES guy, lol.)
The Potassium card reminds me of when I was in high school chemistry--I came up with a way to remember Potassium by making a Mr. Mackey joke from South Park.... "Potassiummmm-kay?"

That looks great!
Hopefully Vicky will post soon
They look cool - I love the Chemistry Cat Cards
At last! Time to post!
Here are the items I got from Hayley:
A pokeball makeup bag
<img src="">
A triforce felt pin
<img src="">
A lego heart necklace
<img src="">
And my favorite thing of all (I squealed when I pulled it out of the package!) A Prince Gumball tote bag
<img src="">
And to add to all this excitement and image uploading, here is my (very late) teaser for Hayley I will try to get it sent out in the morning!
<img src="">
omg those chem card are cute. and that pokeball bag is BA
I've just got back from town and my parcel from Lisa had arrived I'm so chuffed with everything - will post pics later today.
Pics as promised
Here's everything together
<a href="" title="What Lisa sent me for the Geeky Swap by ArtyKitKat, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="What Lisa sent me for the Geeky Swap"></a>
Sherlock Holmes Necklace, Bat Clips and Resistor Bracelet
<a href="" title="Bracelet, Sherlock Holmes Necklace and Bat Hair Clips by ArtyKitKat, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Bracelet, Sherlock Holmes Necklace and Bat Hair Clips"></a>
Comet Mug Cosy
<a href="" title="Comet Mug Cosy by ArtyKitKat, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Comet Mug Cosy"></a>
I also got some lovely Sherlock Holmes cards and forgot to take pics of them - doh! I'll get another pic after I've done a few jobs and add that later. I love everything but especially the jewellery - the bracelet is so delicate and very and the necklace is cool
Here's the cards. I love the steam punkiness of them
<a href="" title="Sherlock Holmes cards by ArtyKitKat, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="375" alt="Sherlock Holmes cards"></a>
Oh yay! I am glad you like everything! We have had a lot of flooding, snow, rain, and crazy wind happening. So hopefully your package will get here soon. Alma, which is a town 20 miles from here, declared a state of emergency. Monika G. was in a similar situation a bit ago! Ohh boy.
oh no I hope its okay. Its well packaged though as I got a little carried away with the sellotape so hopefully it will arrive soon.
Lookie what arrived yesterday! I was so excited. And it arrived unharmed and not soggy. WOO! lol
I got a Sherlock cozy which turns out to be the perfect size for my phone! Awesome. A YODA key chain/bag clip which promptly went on my bag. And a Professor Layton smell good cushion. Lavender I believe. My whole package smelled like amazing when I opened it. And some Toffi-chocs! I love it!

I'm so pleased it arrived in one piece My bf had his eye on the little yoda so I have to make another. The cushion is a lavender - its from our allotment
my partner is in the middle of a few setbacks, but i look forward to our swap
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