Dollar Store Craft Swap!

51 replies since 6th May 2012 • Last reply 6th May 2012

Id like to get paired up with a USA gal if possible ^_^ would like to see what dollar over there!!

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You got it! I'll make a note of it so you'll get paired up accordingly Happy

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Okay, so I've shortened the deadline to the 15th this month and moved the send out date to the 25th. I'm going home to PA in June so I want to make sure this is all finished before I leave Minnesota.

If you need a later send out date, let me know.

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I love this idea!

Name: Jolanda

Location: Netherlands

Ship Internationally: yes

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Awesome. Happy

Just 3 more days to sign up!

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I'll announce partners later tonight Happy

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Partners are up!

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Am I missing something? I don't see Lexi signed up for this one... lol

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i'm not lol. I did have my name on a while back but took it off, i already have to many swaps to complete, Not only here but on other sites too. so wont have the time or money

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Oh, sorry. I didn't see that you took your name off. I will fix that.

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Im super excited about this one Happy *Runs off to pound land*

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Oh i was thinking- might be good if each person included their receipt?

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I don't think a receipt is necessary. I spent a few extra bucks today to grab some much-needed shipping envelopes. Tongue
Plus we're fine to use anything we already have on hand if it's a minor piece.

I went to the Dstore in town today to pick up some neat stuff. I'm going to start crafting tonight!

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I just meant for fun more than neccessary so you can see each item that was bought- I dunno- I guess my version of fun is a bit lame!!! haha I have Monday, Tuesady, Weds off work so will be crafting then! Happy

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Well, I had 2 items done before the weekend rolled around but I think my sister in law threw them away when she was cleaning the dining room! Happy Now I have to start over on them.

If everyone would like to, they can post a list of items they bought here!

I bought dominoes, flowers, hair bands, glass baubles, and a stuffed toy. Happy

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