Halloween Theme ATC Swap?

55 replies since 21st September 2011 • Last reply 21st September 2011

Hi, thanks for the pick bindiibabe Happy When do you want to send out? ;) Do we pm addys to each other?

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yay thanks Cassie, very acited now.

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Ok sooooooo I LOVE Halloween, My husband and I were married last year on Halloween Happy <3 it is our favorite holiday and was a wiccan/spiritual ceremony, soooooooo yeah I LOVE it!
Can I participate in this? I just mailed out my newbie/vet package to Sweet C. So I wasn't sure if I can. I would love to though!
Also, what is an ATC? *blushez*

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Hey GrffindorGrl, an atc is an artist trading card, measuring 2 and a half by 3 and a half inches and decorated however you like which is then swapped or traded but NEVER sold, hope that clears it up little for you. Cool I've never met anyone who hashad a handfasting before, I'm single but if and when I do get married i'd really like to do it that way, I'd love to jump the broom.

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ohhhhh that sounds neat! and them being Halloween themed would be uber fun!
We didn't do the traditional hand tying and broom jumping. We had the elemental table set up with all the elements. We started our ceremony with an All Hallow's Eve blessing with the elements, we did a ring blessing with all of the elements and it was just a very deep and moving ceremony. It was beautiful. I highly recommend them if you are Wiccan or Spiritual in Nature.

Well let me know if I can participate and I will go get some supplies tonight Happy I can ship international, but I am not sure if it would be there by Halloween if sent on the 19th from the United States! Just someone PM me if I can do it, as sometimes my notifications on who replies on here don't come up as soon, and messages alert me on my cell phone.

Thanks Reidergirl for the info!

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I'm going to join and I'm going to steal GryffindorGirl.

I've finished my homework assignment,posted my Halloween swap,heard nothing from Newbie,Alice swap is mostly done so I'll play with some ATC's ;)

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Everyone has been partnered.

If there's anyone else who wants to join, this will be open for two more days.

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Would anyone else like to swap twice?
Because i've made WAY too many Halloween cards. lol I have too much darkness inside. Theyre all hand-drawn & really creepy. Tongue

I'm willing to swap international, but wouldnt perfer it. Anyone?

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I've got Lorraine's all packaged up & ready to go, DarkAsh, so I'd be up for another Tongue but it would mean international. It's fine if someone closer to you wants to and you'd rather choose to pair up with them though - thought I'd just offer Tongue

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I received my package from Essex Debs yesterday! here is what I got, all very cool!

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<a href="http://s688.photobucket.com/albums/vv245/EssexDebs/Recieved%20swaps/?action=view&amp;current=WP_001410.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i688.photobucket.com/albums/vv245/EssexDebs/Recieved%20swaps/WP_001410.jpg" border="0" alt="Halloween ATC's by GG"></a>

GryG package has arrived and is very cool.For her first ever batch of ATC's these are great.Looking forward to swapping again.

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wow I can't believe that they are first time atcs, I love the nosferatu one, very cool.

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I got this today from GrffindorGrl. I really loved the set she made for me. Halloween is my favorite holiday (some people don't recognize it as an official holiday but I do)I loved that she included classic stuff, great work!
She also included a little pumpkin atc holder, which I thought was pretty clever and some really good panda strawberry creme filled cookies, they taste like pocky and will go great with coffee. I loved having you as a partner, GrffindorGrl!

<a href="http://s156.photobucket.com/albums/t28/mansoup/?action=view&amp;current=101_1174.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t28/mansoup/101_1174.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="http://s156.photobucket.com/albums/t28/mansoup/?action=view&amp;current=halloween.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t28/mansoup/halloween.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="http://s156.photobucket.com/albums/t28/mansoup/?action=view&amp;current=halloweeen.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t28/mansoup/halloweeen.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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Reidergirl thank you for the compliment! Happy I really enjoyed making them after all of my favorite classic horror films and other random likes! It felt natural just crafting away!

I am glad that you ladies liked your packages! Incredible suzy lee, still waiting on yours! Happy

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I just received my package from The Incredible Suzy Lee and I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE it! thank you so very much! couldn't wait to post what I got! You and I have a lot in common! Happy

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