**Happy grams!** (Fourth edition!)
yay, I'm glad it got there safely!
Shoot guys sorry I took a week!!!
My stupid car was illegitimate along with my drivers licence, and I have been spending the last week fixing it all! Finally I am done! Car fixed and legal, so am I-I-I-I-I!!! yaya! anyhoo I have that picture of my happy gram from Lauren C. It is really great; as I said before
![Medium wp 000080](https://images.coplusk.net/posts/102215/image/medium_WP_000080.jpg)
i don't want to be caca. But the Happy gram that i sent out was hopefully received. I sent it to Myaa a while ago! It had a very cute Duct tape rose or two a crochet pink and black hat, a crochet can cosie, a few photos, and some tea. I could have added more... but it has been so long and I didn't photograph it before I sent it so I am not sure.
I just hope she got it and it did in-fact brighten her day.
I would like to make another person happy. I'll take an address from anywhere!
I sent one out last week. Hopefully it will reach its destination soon
Glad you liked it Krista, glad the cards moving on! L x
Monika thank you so much for my Happy Gram, I love the tea's and candies. I am going to make a bracelet with all the beads and shells Thanks again it did give me a happy day
I keep forgetting to post that I posted my Happy Gram!
I'm glad you got my happy gram, Lauren! You should totally post the bracelet you make
Mailed out today
Great idea Monika
Glad you liked your HappyGram EastCoastRainbow, I sent another out as well so someone else should be getting one soon
L x
Hi - I've been swapping for years on this site and would like to join this as I like doing random things for people. Me & my bf don't buy bday pressies or valentines gifts/cards for that reason. We like to get each other things when we see them or think the person needs a gift. I've sent Mary my address to join - is that all I need to do?
Kat, I've replied to you.
WARNING: a major work issue has come up out of the blue between last Friday/Saturday and today. Hopefully everything should be solved by Wednesday, but this means I might not be as present on the boards as usual. Please PM me if anything urgent comes up instead of posting on the board as I might not see the thread.
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