**Happy grams!** (Fourth edition!)
Got home from a weekend in Minneapolis to find a package waiting for me from Hayley Really cool little purple things, a wrist pin cushion, and some tasty little chocolates!
Thank you so much! It made my day all the sweeter! (We just found 4 orphaned grey kittens that are completely adorable!)
I haven't been here in months because I moved. But I finally send out the Happygram wich I was supposed to send out like 2 months ago...
Welcome back dragonfly! ^_^
Sent 2 out this morning
And I received Dragonfly's surprise package.I too have been away with uni but I'm back.
11 days until we move house so I'll take a new addy when we get settled
Finished my A levels today- woopwoop, so will get crafting on a happygram xx
Cant wait to make a HG(: have some great ideas!!!
I was working from home on wednesday and I got a happygram from the lovely Lisa C:
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/63887105@N07/7421149848/" title="Happy gram from Lisa C. by Greengirlie, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8166/7421149848_35f35151e7.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="Happy gram from Lisa C."></a>
I especially love the felt owl pouch! So so cute! Thanks Lisa! x
Glad you liked it Libby
I got this lovely HappyGram from Lisa. To be honest, I wish I didn't found the envelope before dinner. I got in an argument wich pretty much ruined my whole day. But I really love the cards, the felt butterly and star buttons.
Thank you so much!
Sending a message to mary I want to do swaps, but I don't think I can afford to do full swaps to send stuff to people, so this will give me something to do and make someone's day
Yay! Hopefully I can get started soon!(:
Going to the post office this afternoon going to message Mary for another address, hopefully get another one done either before the weekend or next week, have a very hectic weekend as it's my 18th birthday on Sunday
I just wanted to say really quick that I'm sorry it's taking me so long to send mine out! I've been having a really crazy week. I promise it will be out sometime before next weekend though!
going to send mine out some time this week!(:
A Happy Gram is on it's way
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