Tiny swap-round 2-PARTNERS PoooSTED

220 replies since 9th May 2010 • Last reply 9th May 2010

If there's a round 3 let me know! I love making tiny objects! all the pictures look great Happy

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hahaha what coincidence! I'll ry to combine to two if they fit in the package!

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hahaha what coincidence! I'll ry to combine to two if they fit in the package!

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I got my package today! Thank you Rhibi, everything is so cute, just look! n_n

I wore the little toast today. (Mr. Toasty now knows the downtown.) üü

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Your photos always make everything look so great Happy I'm glad you liked them Ale. Hopefully yours will arrive soon!

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So Cute!

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Mr Toasty looks sooooo cute!!

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Awesome stuff Rhibi!I love the tiny car! Happy

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Lovely stuff Rhibi - they're all so cute Happy

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Lovely stuff Rhibi - they're all so cute Happy

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What's our send out date for this one? I'm trying to organise myself again... it'll probably no doubt be a big fail (the organising, I mean!!) x

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seems to be July !5th. I need some serious organizing too ;-)

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15th... oh, god... that's soon... ARGH! Violetta, any chance of an extension on the send out date? puhhhhleaseeee? >.< xx

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hey Beatr!ce, i got your tiny swap from the last round today. I'll be posting pics when i can, i'll also put your ATC's on their board also. Have you seen my half of the swap towards you yet?

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Yeah,I was thinking of making the send out date a little later.Like lets say its July 25. but anyone can send out sooner.will that be OK?
Also,did everyone hear back from their partners?

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