Zombie swap rd 2 *PARTNERS POSTED*

180 replies since 29th March 2010 • Last reply 29th March 2010

Awesome stuff!!! Trish, I'm totally stealing that bag!!! Tara, your package was mailed out today and the story that goes along with two of the "characters" in the package is in your FB mailbox awaiting you to read it before or after they arrive. Sorry I didn't have any printer ink to print it off. It's a shame, b/c I had the perfect zombie font to go with it! Happy

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Hey Autumn. Ive finally caught up on my crafting from my hectic few weeks. I will be sending your package out monday or tuesday, but you'll be getting it soon. Im so happy with the way my zombie character i made for you turned out. I hope your as pleased with him as i was Happy

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Haha Kiddo! Join the invasion, the zombies are trying to steal it too, but why they aren't going for my brains I haven't a clue. Stupid zombies!!!
I just gotta share this with you all though, when I got my package from Tara, UPS delivered it and my daughter brought it inside. Her and my hubby both got upset because they want to know why I'm always getting goodies in the mail! I informed them that if they wish to get happy mail then they should join a few swaps. It's so funny, they're actually jealous. ^_^ LOL

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How funny!

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Got my package!!!! Taking pics later. (=

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Autumn, the zombie invasion will commence on friday. Be warned and protect yourself because the zombies will be arriving in your area the following week. BE ARMED.

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I finally got the pics taken. (= I will upload tonight, on my way to go watch UP at the park with the kids. (=

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haha awesome! =] I don't think I'll be able to send out for a few days though, I've had to move very unexpectedly (where the package is going I'll still be able to get it, my mum still lives there) and things are going a little slowly. But don't worry it'll get to you very soon!

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Wow, always soo big. LOL.

So anywho, Zombie Felt Creations above. Love them! The story was about Babs, and Bub.

Here's stickers and my 2nd fave thing I got a mini photo album.

Jewlery and magnets. The heart necklace is my fave! I wore it the first day and got lots of compliments

And a super cool bag!!!

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yayayaya pictures!!! Kiddo you did awesomely!!!! Happy <3

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Gracias, Miss Sug!

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I got mine kt but my camera is still MIA

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Here is a drawing I did of me as a cute zombie. I thought I'd share it with y'all.

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