Zombie swap rd 2 *PARTNERS POSTED*

180 replies since 29th March 2010 • Last reply 29th March 2010

TARA!!! I must give you your props girl, I got my package today! LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOOOOOOOVE IT!!!! I will post pix later tonight. :O)

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Oooh. Yaaay! I am glad you love it. For some reason I wasn't very hmmm what is the word, confident?, in everything. I felt like it should have been more. I don't know. But lets hope I get the hang of this clothing thing. I will tell you what I wanted to do. I wanted to make a tank top with a bite mark in the side and it would have said infected. (=

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Oh, and did I write anywhere that the bag is reversable? I can't remember. Haha.

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SparrowFae, I'm so glad to hear that you enjoy all the items and the the bubble wrap. Your pictures are great! I love the expression on the child's face with the duct tape box, just priceless! I got your wonderful and awesome items Thursday night, but just got a chance to check and post on the board today. I love it all! My 9 year decided that she had to bring it all to school on Friday to show off and now has started a zombie phase in her school.

Below is a picture of all the wonderful items that SparrowFae sent me. But before the picture I must provide the wonderful descriptions that came with this great swap.

1) The diseased hamburger that started it all (in Zombieland). This very cheeseburger contains a dangerous virus within it's tasty layers lives the "Mad-Human-Disease," and once consumed, will begin the horrifying and harrowing zombie apocalypse. You can even see the tiny germs, if you look very closely. Use the utmost caution when handling it, or z-day will be upon us.

2) Zombie plushie, who wants a hug

3)Tallahassee's blessed Twinkie (from Zombieland)

4) Two bow-barrettes. One pink with a zombie face and one purple and green with clear gem

5) A bloody brain, to feed to an attacking zombie, so that I can get away while it's distracted

6) An "I heart Zombie purse!" made of recycled blue jeans and a bit of a recycled shirt. I think this has to be my favorite item.

Thank you so much SparrowFae!

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Haha! I love the brain and cheeseburger. Genius.

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Aww, that makes me feel so good! I'm glad you liked it, and that your kiddo liked it, too! I kept thinking of strange and goofy things to make, but ended up stopping myself, because I'd already sealed the package!!! I made another zombie doll for my best friend's son's 5th birthday. I've shown pictures of the brain(made out of my daughter's cut off shorts) to friends and family and they love it, too. My sister told me it looks like a piece of raw meat.

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Just awesome!!!

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Awesome stuff guys! Sorry I've been absent, but I've been moving! Thanks for posting pics, Sug! I love my stuff! Will be posting Tara's by the end of this week!

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<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/0sMdJVc2eYY&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xcc2550&color2=0xe87a9f"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/0sMdJVc2eYY&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xcc2550&color2=0xe87a9f" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


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Sorry Tara, haven't gotten around to uploading pix yet, been battling killer zombie headaches. but I promise I will have to them up later tonight. But yeah, I figured out that the bag is reversable, it's uber awesome!!

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Where are they? LOL. Just kidding. Sorry that you have been having headaches. And I hope you feel better.

I really need to remember to take pics of the stuff I make before I send out.

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Feel better Trish, Cant wait to see pics!

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Sorry ladies, got busy so my never ending to-do list is still in progress, but here they are!

Haven't watched the movie yet, but I will this weekend. The little match book notepads are cute and will come in handy. I will be using those clay zombie birds on some zombie ATC's soon. I listened to the CD and it was surprisingly relaxing, but I didn't finish it. I will try it when I get another one of my killer headaches; I wish I could have my brains eaten at this point. LOL Can't wait to try the iron ons, once I find something cool to put them on and the same goes for the patch. Love it all, thanks again Tara!

Excuse my language, but I love the f#%$ out of that bag!!!

Thanks though, my headaches are never ending as well, so I only feel better for a very short time.

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f'n awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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LOL! I am glad that you like your bag. My husband was like, ugh why are you using that fabric? It clashes. Blah blah blah. LOL. I told him to shut up.

Feel better! I will send some good vibes your way...

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