sponsor a newcomer swap(need vets)
interstellar do you offer some kind of web translation guide like google? ;)
cheers Rhibi
no not yet i speak better guy though hahaha i was raised by my dad
Cool t-shirts
Pure awesomeness, Jonesy, just as I expected
awww, thank you kindly
Jonesy, do you want me to get you some creation photos so you can post them? or no?
I'm still sad because nothing has arrived for me yet
I'm still sad because nothing has arrived for me yet
EDIT: OOPS double post!
i want to do this! can i, ive NEVER done a swap =S and i want to ^_^
Cok name: Leah Lollipop
Location: Liberty Texas usa
Newbie or Veteran: newbie
welcome aboard~ ! we shall find you someone its kewl cause I live in texas too
dude, thats sucks rhibi
Rhibi, do you know if there is any way to track it?
I don't at all and craftalicious hasn't been online lately for me to ask her.
This seems quite awesome!
Swaps have always interested me so I'd like to give this a try
Cok name: NyoNyoBearr<3
Location: Yonkers, New York [USA]
Newbie or Veteran: Sadly a newbie D;
welcome aboard Nyo! message me your addie so I can find you a person to swap with
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