ATC Swap...Partners posted for round 16!!

937 replies since 15th May 2009 • Last reply 15th May 2009

erins my friend she just joined cut out and keep!!!

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Ohh I was afraid of it cracking more and falling apart, I even covered it in A LOT of mod podge to try and keep it from falling off. But at least it still looks neat. =P If I'm lucky maybe they'll come tomorrow. =]

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Try ironing stuff in wax paper sometimes this help melt /fix stuff is how I make the fused ATC.
I'm unable to send messages at the the moment so here's what Angel Eve received from me.

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Here are the ones I got from Autumn! They're so neat and awesome!! <3

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Is that animal print one furry? If so it has to be hands down my favorite thing ever !

Thanks Debs for posting pics of the cards you sent me. My camera has gone *poof* and i have no idea where to start looking :s

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The hedgehog ate it :0)

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Oh ya about that... I saw the message at the end of your note. Reason my pics a hedgehog is because he was my first exotic pet ever, and also was my baby with quills Happy

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Funny how they (cameras) grow legs and walk off. Lucky for me I have two, but sometimes they're both MIA though there is only one I like better. The funny thing about that is they are both samsung, pretty much the same but my fav one is the one that is 8.1 mega pixels while the other one is 10. Go figure, but it takes better pix.
Cool cards Deb (the ones you made)! One looks vaguely familiar...the one of Lady Arwen from LOTR. That's one I made LOL!!!

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Angel, yes ma'am it's furry! It's an ATC you can pet!! hahaha! ^.^

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can i join next round?

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Sure Erin, next round of partners will be posted on the 22nd. I will be sure to include you and welcome to my swap!

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meee tooo XD

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yay! thank you! im knida new at this so sorry if im a little...odd....but beatr!ce is helping me Happy

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No problem, everyone here was once new too, so you will get the hang of it!

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Im sure you already know I'm up for round 13. Hellz ye-oh!

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