ATC Swap...Partners posted for round 16!!
yayaya it was very hard to let go some of jenna's great cards ....wait a minute where is the other card..the one with the lolly pops??? I am still keeping an eye on yours dani's still havent received them.
There was none with lollypops sug only the one's I took the pics of, I'm a bit concerned that you have not got yours yet, they were posted ages ago
OMG, that dreaded reply box is gone!!
I am so loving this swap!!^_^ Those are all fantastic!
I think it might be stuck on the magatita card look at the picture you posted and see the little white edges of that card...think its hiding there lol. but this is what it look like....o.O my daughter is strange...she is currently putting a head band on the dog and gave him her bunny, Cage is looking at me like huh??? What do i do?! lmao!!
Ah yes it was, silly me! I'm preparing some new ATC's i'll give it till the end of the week and if mine still have not arrived i'll send some more
okie dokie dani, i went to the mailbox and still nada..i will keep you posted
I declare the postal system needs to get their act together. It seems like we're gonna have to insure everything so there won't be a complete loss, but of course I would still rather receive my package. AHHHHHH!!! No wonder they go postal!! Haha, couldn't resist guys ^_^
Oh wow! Those are so cute!! I love the Hello Kitty ones Siobhan did!! And Sug - those kawaii ones are so cute!!! =)
Siobhan, finally got yours in the mail. Hope you like them. ^_^
Thank goodness for that! I had started doing replacements so i'll keep them for the next round!
Thanks so much Dani, they are gorgeous!! I love how you put the hello kitty one in the japanese money envelope. Which by the way where did you find those, i been looking everywhere for them.
The oriental supermarket sells them when its Chinese New Year
don't worry S, I didn't forget you. Yours is on the way. I hope it gets there soon
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