Page Swap...Closed!
No worries Creative But Sarah I still haven't got last rounds pages?! And I am in for next round btw
hmmm not sure but i think sarah was posting to me no? anyways i havent received any yet but will be up for another round 3rd time lucky
Sorry about that Angellina, have you messaged Sarah about the delay? If you don't receive anything, let me know and I will send you some.
OKay, I need an update for anyone who wants in this round. Hope to post partners later today or tomorrow.
If there are no responses by this Friday, I will be ending this swap as ongoing.
Martha, I got your message, if you need more pages, I have some already made if you would like to have them.
shame it hasnt worked out join in the friendship book swap! its working really well
Well, it was fun while it lasted Angellina, so it's no biggie. I'm gonna hold off on that swap for right now, though I have thought about joining. I think I will eventually, I got some other swaps going on and a couple I want to start, but I will keep it in mind.
I love this swap... I will be in for any possible future round!
OK guys, last call for this swap. I know I got Martha in, anybody else??
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