Alice/Fairytale Swap ***Sign Ups Closed***

159 replies since 11th January 2009 • Last reply 11th January 2009

Wow that is awsome!

Kiddo, she still has by the end of the month before she goes on the bad swapper list.......

Look at me I started it I still haven't sent mine out. But at least I kept in touch.....

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I've PM'ed her and haven't heard back. She told me about a month ago that she would ship it in a week. I haven't seen her around lately. I do hope she's okay. You are a slacker BTW! JK I'm in the same boat on another swap. I started the zombie swap and I haven't sent mine out yet. Poor Sug, I received hers already! I'm almost done though.

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Rhibi, I went to send yours out the other day and the postage came to £12! And that's basically because of one thing in it, so I need to take it down to the post officed again sans heavy thing and send it, sorry it's taking so long

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Thats ok Kitten, I'm patient Happy Looking forward to seeing what goodies i get. I hope yours arrives soon too

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Got mine today Rhibi! I love it, especially the Cheshire Cat bracelet, it's so funky!

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Horray Happy I'm glad you liked it. I wanted to keep the cheshire cat bracelet after I made it hehehe

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Haha I'm not surprised!

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Got Heidel's stuff all packaged and ready to go. Just waiting on payday!

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I`m really looking forward to iut Tara, a little bird said you`r packages is great.

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it is it is!! I was able to take a peak! You are going to love it heidel!!!

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I got my stuff from Ezme today Happy. The bath bombs got a bit bashed in the post... when the parcel arrived I was away and my mum must've been out at work so the stupid postman stuffed it down the back of the plant pot by our front door. They still smell amazing though.

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Hehe. That's awsome. I'm a litte disappointed in this one I have to admit. I was had so many hopes for it, and my printer broke and dashed my plans. But the stuff you got I do like. (=

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*kiddo, the most disappointed of all the alice swappers*, but I've been lucky with my other two swaps, so it's all good! I can't wait to see more pics of alice stuff!

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Well, you will get something. And who knows maybe she will come through after all and you will get 2 different packages!

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Well, I`m really sorry if the stuff for you din`t fall in good ground Tara.

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