Alice/Fairytale Swap ***Sign Ups Closed***

159 replies since 11th January 2009 • Last reply 11th January 2009

Haha Bristol isn't very exciting =P

Yeah I love getting swap packages!

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ooh just seen you guys already posted the partners..i wans`t around here very often the last time..and so i couldnt post here.. Well never mind..ignore my message I send you this morning Tara... and have a nice swap the rest of you ;)

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ooh just seen you guys already posted the partners..i wans`t around here very often the last time..and so i couldnt post here.. Well never mind..ignore my message I send you this morning Tara... and have a nice swap the rest of you ;)

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Ahhhh. Jess! We can try to work something out lady. I was really surprised to not hear from you. I even waited an extra day. )=

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Now Ariel says she is back in. I'm sooo confused!

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Partner Jess and Ariel up? If they're doing the same theme.
And Tara, do you want us to PM you our addresses as well as to our partners?

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Im sorry, but as much as i want to do this something really bad just happened and no time for crafting (any one heard of all the Mills in Canada closing, our town just closed like seven of the 10 mills, and both the mines ) IM SORRY

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Okay. I'm sorry to hear that Jasmin. )=

Ariel and Jess I guess ya'll can partner up then. The only problem is one of you wants to do Fairy and the other Alice. So I guess talk umongst yourselves, and let me/us know whats up thanks.

And yes Izzy I would like to have your addresses too. Just for good measure. I'm trying to figure out how to make these swaps run smoother. Even thinking of starting a thread where ya'll can comment on swaps, and swap partners and such. Let me know what ya'll think....

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Well Tara the package is in the mail. Happy

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mmmh Happy sorry for not writing earlier..i had some huge troubles and all was just so stressfull the last weeks ...that`s why I didn`t found time to answer... oO

^^ haha..well I think Ariel and me are partners now... I know she loves Faries and therefore i am going to do her fairy stuff if she want too ;)

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Starting a thread is a great idea; I'd love to see photos of everyone’s swaps.

By the way, thanks Tara for the your words of encouragement in your message :o)

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Thanks. I think Sugar beat me to the punch. LOL

And no problem. (= I'm glad you picked my swap to be your first. =) =)

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I can't embed this onto the board but please go check out the link, might give you ideas....

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Hey guys Just wanted to give you a heads up on our beautiful prego hostess, she is in the hospital and wont be out till sunday or monday. She will probably be staying with family till she is back on her feet. I have her phone number and i am in contact with her and keep you posted. She had to have emergency surgery to have her appendix removed. She says she and the baby are alright. I started a topic on chit chat for us to write some postive thoughts for her speedy recovery. Thanks guys

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I hate to hear that. I hope she gets well soon. She'll be in my prayers.

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