Alice/Fairytale Swap ***Sign Ups Closed***

159 replies since 11th January 2009 • Last reply 11th January 2009

Kiddo who was your swap-partner?

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I didn't mean the stuff you sent me. I love it, always show it off to my friends. Don't quite understand what you mean when you say fall in good ground....

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My partner was Goose.

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Goose seems to have disappeared. As she was going to do my rainbow swap too but we never heard from her... If you look at her page she hasnt had any online activity for a while too. Hope she is ok

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Yeah I hope she's okay, too. It's been almost two months since she last PM-ed me.

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Wow! I hope she is okay too.

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When I write stupid or weird english just don\t pay attention to it. I`m really bad in writting english.

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I think you do really well at writing English. There is no way I could ever write in another language!

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pff your english is great anyways its the hardest lanugage so thats awesome i couldn't imagine having to learn english as a second language it be so hard

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I think you do too. I just thought it was a saying I didn't know about.

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Where are all the pics?

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Heidel do you want me to post a pic of the stuff I sent? Or do you want to post it when you get it?

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Omg Tara if I knew you were going to spoil me this much I would have done a much better job!!! I LOVE THE TOTEBAG!!! not even big words can describe how much I love it. Another woman asked me if she could get the bag for herself, but I had to say no.

Will post pictures when photobucket isn`t stupid. Thank you thank you thank you and so on and so on in eternity.

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Yaaaaay! I am soo excited you like it! I feel like I didn't give you enough, so I am glad you feel spoiled! And yourwelcome. And thanks for the lovely comments made my day!

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Tara gave me a tote, just because, and I adore it! She is awseomely talented! Everyone compliments me on it! I can't wait to see pics, Heidel!

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