a new swap
Count me in .
Even though I'm not sure if I'll have time to do much to fill the bag, so it might just have to be cute little bought things (there's a nice shop down the road from my college so I can pick some stuff up there, I've always wanted an excuse to buy something from that shop because all the stuff is so lovely haha).
This looks fun ! Is there a place for me ?
theirs room for all some ppl are making and buying things so thats fine too
happy to have you
omg this is going to be the best swap ever!!!! I already got started on tara's tote! I almost forgot how much it made me happy to craft on a major project. Its so fun making for other ppl just the pure joy of sending a piece of you to a few states is just exciting. Tara I hope you like it...and just my luck the craft faieries blessed me once more and my little one fell asleep early so this means I can craft more woot woot!
Glad your having fun. I got your quick stuff out of the way. After we move and unpack all our crap, the more intricate stuff will be done. CHALLANGE!
can anyone say embellishments ;)
i got my tote pattern cut out today so i am excited getting an earily start too
in a few days everyone will be partnerd up offically
so i cant wait until everyone starts posting what they are doing and giving hints but not exactly telling what your making or buying
everything is supposed to be hush hush atleast until your partner gets it
also take a pic befor you send it out if you have a cam just incase your partner doesnt have one or in my case i have one it just takes really bad pics lol
SO some people already know who they are partnering? hmm
Sug and Tara are partnering up, but they picked each other - the rest of us are waiting to be matched up randomly. ^.^
Hey sorry to be a spoil sport, but I am gonna have to pull out, times are hard and money is low. Sorry Good luck to you all though, I'm sure you will all make great items
jenna m
if you see someone you want to partner up with thats fine with me
some ppl have hard time partnering up thats why i was going to pair ppl up
just to make the process easy and run smoothly thats all
opposites girl thats ok i understand completely next time maybe
Oh, no - i wasn't complaining about it! I like random-ness! I was just explaining it to opposites-girl Ashame she had to pull out.. but like you said, there's always next time!!
Then again... I've never attempted to pick my own partner.... :: goes into challenge mode ::
Lilim, dahling - would you like to be my partner?? ^.^
**runs around with a patch over her eye and a stuffed plushie bird on her shoulder** aaarrgh! I'm the plushified pirate har' for ur' gold! Giv'er me r' Ye' will walk de' plank! arrrgh!
hehe. Sug you are the best. ** Puts on her plushie pirate gear and runs around with Sug and tells her to wake the plank!!**
*sets her hello kitty alarm clock by the plank and waits** WAKE UP YOU STUPID PLANK! MWHAHAHAHA....(i know you meant walk but wake was just open for some silli-ness )
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