home-made diaper bag...?
So i have been looking online for a good half hour for a nice pattern for a diaper bag for our upcoming arrival...nada. Anyone have any patterns that could be converted, or even better, one that already is for a diaper bag? Guess you could say i am a hippy-ish lady, `a la dreaddies, bare feet and tie dye, and just want something made from stuff around the house, and some what more personal and pretty than the stupid eddie bauer city-black leather affairs they try to sell us mommies to be, like a freakin diaper bag is going to make me more sophisticated or something...? Thanks a lot in advance!
If that one doesn't float your boat there are a hundred different bags here that you could convert into diaper bags:
old pillow cases maybe? I have tie dyed pillow cases I dyed myself I've been stopping and starting a bag for ages all made from patches of knitting, its quite sturdy and really easy to make, might re do all the patches though since my knitting is much better now haha.
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