My best friend is moving in...
My fiance and I signed on our best friend to be our roommate in an upscale, college-town apartment. He's the first person I met when I moved to South Dakota that I got comfortable with since he can relate to everything my fiance and I do.
I want to make him a present since he's hilarious and probably the best roommate we could ask for.
He studies biology and he's really into all manner of scientific things. He also has a deep grasp of the more intense parts of English language. He's the most intelligent person I know. Aside from being an intellectual, he's also into video games, particularly Guild Wars.
My fiance suggested an H2O molecule pillow, so that's a start, but I want to get some more ideas.
Okay, for starters, You gotta be a really nice person to want to make a gift!^^ Both your fiance and roomate are lucky
Not sure how talented you are but here's one idea I got after reading a H2O pillow. This site has TONS of inspiration!
i immediately thought of csi and ncis where there a enlarged pictures of DNA, cells and other sciencey stuff used as pictures or wallpapers.
Geeky and beautiful
The floppy disc pillow is a good idea! The one you linked is way too cutesy, but it's giving me some good ideas.
I'm pretty good at sewing... I've been sewing since I was 6, so I've been at it for about 15 years now... lol
I'm gonna have to work my way into seeing what his favorite subfield in biology is.. that might help me think of something really specific and awesome.
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