Too many socks!
This may sound weird, but I collect my family's old socks (washed of course!) and keep them. I use them for stuffing things, cushions/plushies etc, cut up in various sizes. BUT the problem is..
I HAVE TOO MANY! There must be literally over 15 pairs of socks, plus so many other scrap fabrics and stuff which I want to use up.
I already have quite a few cushions, and I'd hate to see all these bits and bobs go to waste, so WHAT CAN I DO!? Any ideas for how to use all these socks etc would be gratefully received!
Sock Monkeys? Sock Rabbits? Sock Puppets? Maybe you could split the socks, then cut squares and make sock square patchwork cushions? x
Sock monkeys are fun, or you could use then socks to stuff some other plushies and keep them as emergency birthday/christmas presents for people
Or maybe you could try making a rag rug out of socks - no idea whether it would work (never tried making one) but it's just a thought.
Well the only thing I have ever made with a sock is a puppet but I use them to put my jewelry my psp, cell phone anything that I dont want with Scratches on it really helps. MMMMMM
what if you cut the top part and glue it or sew it around a bangle I dont know it might work.
Check this book out, I am sure they would have it in the library. (=
I used to have it so they are easy to make.
ive seen my friends make wrist bands out of the tops and ive seen arm and leg warmers as well
ooh wow! so many ideas, i didnt think i would be able to make so much out of socks!
when i have a go at them, i will post them as projects on here (when i get round to it!)
thankyou for the ideas! x
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