bottle cap belt

Anyone have a how to for a bottle cap belt? I'd like to attach the bottle caps to a fabric or leather belt, but not sure go about HOW to attach them... suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!

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4 replies since 27th December 2009 • Last reply 27th December 2009

You could use a hot glue gun to fix them to a leather belt I reckonHappy

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You can find something to make a hole in the bottle cap and the belt and then use metal clasps to attach them. Like the metal clasps you find on folders?? ANd to make them stay you could possibly hot glue them down...

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You need an awl, which is like a screwdriver but it comes down to a point. Take that and a hammer and pound two small holes in the bottle caps, so you can sew them. When pounding on the bottle caps, you should do it on a scrap piece of wood. The awl needs something to pound into and the bottle caps need to be on a surface. I would use something that isn't thred to sew them...I want to say fishing line, but you need something a little thicker.

I wouldn't use hot glue, because they'll fall off.

There are also some types of hardware glue that might work.


But you don't need to drill. An awl and a hammer will work fine.

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THanks! Great suggestions... I like the awl and hammer idea. I don't think hot glue would stay for long. now... anyone have tips for using a riviter? we tried a riviter last night and the back of the rivit turned out all screwed up, not nice and turned down like the box said.... anyone use one of these before? Thanks again for your help!

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