Pinning without pins

Can anyone think of a way to pin something without actually pinning it? I have a PVC top that needs to be re-sized, but if I pin it, it will have holes in it. Any ideas?

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8 replies since 5th August 2009 • Last reply 5th August 2009

try paper clips

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Bobby pins work, too

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What would hot glue do?

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I'll try those. My biggest issue is that I'm going to have to pin it while I'm wearing it, so whatever I use has to be stable.

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You can buy little bull dog clips too they might work.

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i don't know what they're called....but maybe those big black clips that businesses use to clip together a large amount of has those to flippy silver things on it to flip close or flip to pry open.

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Size the panels and use paper tape to keep seam together. Stitch through tape and remove it after. I use this method for sewing leather

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Try maskig tape! Sounds crazy but I often use it on bulky DIY sewing tasks and it works very well, not too tacky so it doesn't ruin the fabric.

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