Casting a hollow ball jointed doll body?

I have made a few resin cast dolls in the past but they were solid parts unlike things like dollies
The part that confuses the HELL out of me is how do they cast their parts hallow?I know some drill the hells act but they cant do that with the heads and torsos.I'm assuming them have a little inner face sculpt tat hoes into the mold before casting,Because I don't thing they are slush casting.O r they maybe using a pressures pot for that method?
Anybody have info where up can go bout doing this?
And help would be under appreciated any kind of help like websures or even suggestions on books in hiw to do it would be great

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2 replies since 7th May 2009 • Last reply 7th May 2009

When casting an hollow object, liquid clay is usually used for that with a plaster mold. The clay is poured in and set for about 30 minutes then the excess is poured out. I remember doing this in art class eons ago. That's the only way I ever known a hollow cast can be done. You can use liquid porcelain too, if you can find it.

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I would love to see some of the resin dolls you have made already.

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