photos for projects

I cant seem to upload photos for my new projects!?!?!?!

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8 replies since 9th April 2014 • Last reply 9th April 2014

I'm having the same issue. I uploaded them, but they didn't load.

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Sorry guys, we're doing lots of updates - is this still broken?

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I'm still having issues yes.

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Do you get the 'Upload Failed' popup? Or something different?

I'll get it sorted Happy!

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upload failed.

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yep, upload failed :/

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I'm having this same issue. The photo uploads, I hit Save and Publish, and I get a message that tells me the project can't be uploaded because the photo wasn't uploaded. I'm only having issues with one project. I have uploaded other projects.

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no photos at all will load for me Happy I've tried to upload several projects and nothing happens! I've tried clicking the upload photo button (it just comes up with a thin white box) and dragging the photo in (it just disappears) help!!

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