To Leave or Not To Leave?

...that is the ?

Ok seriously now, I'll try to give the short version bc I really want feedback I have to make a decision w/in the next few days.
classes started up again yesterday and by the time I realized I was supposed to be at class in 30 min I knew I wouldn't have time bc I was 1hr and 30 min away. I sent my teacher “B” an email to apologize and let him know I wouldn’t be able to make it and received a snarky email in response with the note fyi you only have 3 absences for my class. He only provided the class assignments after I emailed him and students for it. It seems that he wanted me to receive a “0” for the first assignment bc I wasn’t there the 1st day.
I’ve heard from many former students that he’s kind of a hard-ass, chooses his favorites but is allegedly a really good art teacher who you can learn a lot from. I’m just concerned that he’s going to be an asshole from here on out and just grade out of spite since I missed the first day.

I’ve taken another art teacher “A” who is really nice but doesn’t actually teach, just hands out A’s for attendance pretty much. While it’d be nice to get an A, I actually want to learn something useful that I can apply to my work when I transfer to another school and I don’t feel that I will with teacher “A” but if I stay with “B” I’m not sure how fairly he’ll grade even if I do learn from him.
My GPA will be affected either way and I’m trying to get into an Art school in NY or LA so I don’t want this to hurt me,What should I do/who should I go with?

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8 replies since 28th August 2012 • Last reply 28th August 2012

I would try to talk to teacher "B" in person and let him know your feelings. If he doesn't seem reasonable take teacher "A" there's no reason to ruin your GPA because of a spiteful professor.

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Do both classes transfer to the schools you want to go to? Make sure. If "A"s class doesn't transfer (which easy classes sometimes don't), make you should stick with Hardass B's class, and just impress the socks off of him by showing your hard work ethic whenever possible, maybe asking him for advice or something after class. Show him your dedication (which you obviously have if you're making a career out of this!) and love of the subject matter.

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A's and B's class are the same course;surprisingly enough A’s course that I previously took was more advanced than the one I'm taking now and luckily they'll both transfer. I think both of you are right, I’ll see how my next class goes and if he’s still a jerk and doesn't seem fair w/ grading then there won’t be any point in staying. I hope he pulls the stick out of his arse by next class but we’ll see. Thanks TNT & SupernovaHappy

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Re: "there's no reason to ruin your GPA"...that's the correct answer. You've stated your long term goals in this regard, getting into an Art School in NYC, or LA, right? It doesn't need to be, shouldn't be, about any given teacher's personality traits per se, but about what course will best and most surely take you to where you want to go. If B's potential hostilities aren't going to distract you, or if they are likely to, only you know that, only you know how you deal with such things. Just, always, "keep your eyes on the prize", right?

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My Drawing teacher in college sounded a little like "B" the first few days of school ...but in the end, he turned out to be awesome & like teacher "A". He just REALLY hated abscense/ (most professors really do) idk, its hard to judge since ive never met these exact people. But ive met/had both types as teachers. ....My Sculpture teacher was (excuse me) a complete asshole, & gave everyone grades very unfairly ...& as much as i HATED it, he did make me work my ass off more then ever (i cried once!); & his curriculum of teaching suited me more then the other teacher (he focused on abstract, the other realism). So i'm glad i toughed it out, i learned preserverance lol.
But its up to you, depends on what u want in learning & what u think fits you. Just sayin i feel your pain. ;) I didnt get a choice to choose my teachers.

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If "B" continues on with his snarky attitude, you should talk to the dean of the department, or even the president of the school. Going to someone who's higher up on the chain of direction will have to listen to you, especially since you're the student and presumably you are paying to be there. Don't let someone's attitude get in the way of your own progress/learning. And more importantly, don't ever let an instructor create such problems for you. He doesn't deserve to do so. I'd report him.

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I would report B, show the email proof.
Actually, I would also report A, for not teaching. I reported one of my teachers once for always emailing the whole class, but not me because she didn't like one of the subjects I was doing.

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Thanks y'all, my situation ended up being similar to what darkash explained. Since I showed up on time the next class with all of my stuff done he's actually changed his attitude towards me and I'm now his favorite of the class. If it hadn't gone well I was seriously considering transfering classes. I wouldn't want to report "A" bc while he's not a good teacher he is a good person and I'd feel bad if he lost his job but he should actually start giving some sort of direction.

Monika I've learned recently that the people who are supposed to care don't. I ( and the rest of my class) actually had an issue with a spanish teacher who gave controdicting information and was very set in her ways and extremely rude. She knew her language but could not teach people who weren't familiar with it she became frustrated with us and turned into a complete bitch! At the end of the semester a final review was done in her class bc of all of the complaints against her but when I went to speak to the head of the dept. she too was extremely condescending towards me and it was evident the two had already develped a pretty solid rapport and review was just done to pacify the students. She's still a "teacher" there and new students still have the same complaints about her.I'm just glad this is my last semester at that school and I'll finally be able to transfer soon!

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