Deleting friends....feature rejected?

Hey guys, I tried to delete some friends, but it seems that lately the feature is not there some other way to delete/remove and friend? I would be REALLY grateful if there are any suggestions, b/c this girl I added as a friend changed her picture to something that isn't what I call appropriate...

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3 replies since 13th March 2010 • Last reply 13th March 2010

HAHA, sorry i had to go look at the pic ;) the pics all got stuck a while back and have suddenly all updated, mines changed and i dont even remember the pic being taken let alone uploadin it here! but yeah the delete friend thing never works, if you want that pic gone your best bet is to befriend some more people and push it further down the list

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I had to have a look also, but could not find it, unless I'm missing the point. If all else fails I'm sure if you ask cat or crafterella they might have the authority to remove that person from your friends list

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I checked out the picture earlier.It has disapiered now.I think it was a picture uploaded earlier and it appiered because of the repairs.
But to be honest i dont think you should delete a friend just because of a picture.

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