Posts by Hayley S

    Gay marriage is a hot topic in the UK at the moment, and I think it will be legalized here soon which is awesome- for some reason the main debate at the moment is that when you get married in the U.K you get taxed slightly less- which is ridiculous- tax benefits just for being married? Really? So old fashioned. So people in UK dont seem to care in gay people are married or not- but whether gay married couples will get the same tax benefits as straight married couples. Personally I think the people should pay the sam tax rate, regardless of being gay or straight or married or not married.

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    I will be using the term "Suck Bot" from now on Happy Nice word coinage Suzy! Happy

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    Weirdly, I just did a blog post about swapping, it was mainly about the pro's though as I have been lucky enough to have a had a lot of good swap experiences, however I have done a bit of swapping on swapbot and whilst my ratings and profile are good,recently I was flaked on about 4 times in a row, so that sucked.
    There isn't a lot of visibility with who your swapping with on swapbot, so I ended up packing it in and just using CO+K for swapping.

    Though me and Libby were recently chatting about swapping and flaking etc and it seems there is no perfect way of doing swaps, there will always be flakers, its a really difficult thing to moderate.

    Heres the blog post if anyone wants to read it!

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