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moo playing with her treat ball
Posts by michelle G.
awww, makes me miss my moo
<a href="http://media.photobucket.com/image/fashion/kims08collective/Kimberly.jpg?o=1" target="_blank"><img src="http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm188/kims08collective/Kimberly.jpg" border="0"></a>
I find any of of my clothes with holes, I either fix or make something new from it
you need a hug crafty- violence is never the answer. I am glad you threw him away
I love red velvet with the cream cheese , angle food with lemon jelly
deep german chocolate with chocolate ganache
I use black bead salsa with my faux chicked
I love fallafal too, mmm
whole wheat pitas
best veggie breakfast? whole weat waffles with a cup of green tea
best veggie lunch? pita sandi with onions, peppers, spinage and humus. Gronala bar for snack
best veggie supper? its not vegan...but cheese and spinage lasanga
I been having two whole wheat wallfles with maple syurp and a cup of green tea
who loves, I love both the org race and the asian one
ps fallout is awesome
I am one of the lucky few, although my hours got cut back from 40 to 30
I agree