Posts by michelle G.

    works fine for me. message cat or tom

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    yes, my main pictures after I upload them show a black square, but when you click on them(the project), they show up.

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    I can't seem to get into my projects, I am trying to upload it, but keep getting bounced back to the front page

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    keep getting error publishing

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    me too

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    oh I see Tom has looked into this

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    did anyone tell cat about this? Also taking someones tut and photos is considered stealing copyright by law.

    maybe where she is young, she doesn't understand it as well as most. But she should be told nicely not to post work thats not her own.

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    let me know if you need help

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    yes that would be cool, like if we had a featured howto and creation per week

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    I would ask Cat or tom about it

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    I think I post creations because I get so absorbed in my creative process that I forget to write them down, the process

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    hey cat, I can't seem able to get to my projects to upload new ones or fire off an email.

    I know you are busy, take your time



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    yes it does, you know what I could write about all the amazing markets in China, all the crafting stuff I found there

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    hey cat, I actually like it.

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    a/c, do you mean account? email crafteralla or cat or tom

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