Big Bang and 2ne1
F(X) Super Junior, 2 many more
Posts by michelle G.
thats great
always wondered what to do with my old ones
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I say $50 every two weeks
I usually go up to Town and buy tassimo cups which are expensive but I buy to last me a month or more
lol debs
wow someone is imature, girls like that. geeze. I did the same in Uni. Who really cares
felted soaps are cool, but I have a feeling this person is taking the samples and reselling
oooh nice
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yup, she has trust issues. my ex's friend had a girlfriend like that, drove me nuts. I told her that I didn't give a Sh*t about their relationship, so leave me alone. I though he was wayyy better off alone then in a relationship with her.
the hormon pills killed me, they made me too sick
we called ours a year book and people would donate pictures and someone would take pictures of all the school groups and teams
I wrote tea packat
that is rude, I would unfriend her on facebook too