Posts by Risa.Hanae (JapZilla)

    Aww happy grams!

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    I challenge Amisha to make a project involving outdoorsy type themes (ex. Camping, flannel, lumberjacks, woodland critters, etc.)

    Challenge me?

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    Risa is fine by me! =^_^=

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    Awww I agree with Mochi Mochi. Sad.

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    Ahh, this is 3 months old! ;_;

    Still looking for people?

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    I had no idea they made a bunny one! How cute! I have a blue and black one with markings. I got it last year. I think it is adorable. I want to get another!

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    I am terrified of attempting a sweater. I know I shouldn't be afraid of THE SWEATER, but that damn thing is intimidating. Lol. I can knit and crochet. I just have never attempted anything of such a scale before. I have wanted to make one for a while now. I am on the edge of the sweater cliff. Any advice? Is it less scary than it seems?

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    @Rawr.Rawr.x, wow. That is a bit toasty warm yeah!? In Japan when I visit my grandfather in the summer in gets that warm and holy crap it is miserable! Stay cool down there! I will send good cool thoughts your way! =^_^=

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    Challenge accepted cupcake Happy !!!

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    Ohh, ya know. Cold. Haha it was -9F degrees the other morning. Warmed up to 0F degrees by the time I left for class. Luckily it has been 10F degrees about for today. But it could be worse! There has been a bit of snow but nothing too crazy. It is too cold for water! Except for ice. Stay Warm everyone in the winter seasons right now!

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    I challenge Lowe to make a project involving your favorite vegetable, your favorite animal, and the third thing you see after looking away from this post. Happy PS. DONE! I will post my white ingredient project soon! Although I read it as bake instead of cook. eep! does it still count??

    I'll take another challenge!

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    xXJackkieXx Accepted and Done! Sort of. Part 1 is anyway, haha I wanted to do two things for this.

    I will take another challenge!!! So Fun!!!

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    Oh that is a good one Lowe! Syeyon, I have finished the origami jewelry and will post soon.

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    I have never done a swap before. I have always wanted to do one. I'd love to sign up if this is still going on. =^_^=

    Name: Risa.Hanae (JapZilla) --- Lisa
    Location: Michigan, USA
    Ship internationally: Sure!

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    I challenge this one laydi to make something themed on her favorite snack!


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