Posts by Risa.Hanae (JapZilla)

    Monikaaaaaaa!!!!!! Teaser. Happy

    Medium dsc 0454
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    MauiMami and I will be shipping out Monday! Happy

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    Right?! What is this crazy winter mess? It just hit us starting yesterday. We're getting the snowy sleet icy rain and wind right now. Slushy yuck.

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    Posted! And I will post your teaser tomorrow Monica. I have it on my computer, but I am on a mobile right now. Happy I didn't forget!

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    I keep forgetting to post that I posted my Happy Gram!

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    Monika! Your Teaser is on its way. I ran out of room on my SD Card. oops! @_@

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    Teaser for Kat!

    Medium dsc 0434
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    Teaser for Monika!

    Medium dsc 0446
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    That looks awesome! Happy

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    FINALLY! I got my pictures to transfer to my computer! So, for my long awaited swap pictures.
    I got the most amazing package from Hayley! I loved everything!
    I got a handmade Sherlock Pillow, Cake Pin Cushion (my pins look like sprinkles on top), an Adventure Time Book box, Hummingbird pendant, Keychain, Nest Ring, and Stone Jewelry set. I absolutely love birds and she incorporated the theme in my small items which I thought was super sweet! I was also sent a feather notebook, an ‘Insider’ Adventure Time calendar, Cute socks, A tiny mini pub (too cute!), a tube map and fliers (which I really appreciated!), and some stationary. I also received a ton of candy (awesome!) and amazing stash items. Thank You so, so much!

    Medium britswab
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    Oh! No no, ArtyKitkat did not go AWOL everyone! I promise! I am swapping with ArtyKitkat and Monika. =^_^=

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    @ArtyKitKat, if you are asking me, Of Course! Happy I am almost done with your stuff too!

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    Apologies for the tardiness of the pics of my swap with Hayley S. My computer and camera/SD card are having a difference of opinion... >_< I will have them up soon I promise. It was an amazing package!

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    Sure Happy

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